Two Kind Hands

A 44-post collection

Challenge #03607-I318: You Have Questions

Others in the church realize the "god" Wraithvine is there and go to talk to hir. Including individuals considering opening such a temple back in their own homelands. -- Anon Guest

It wasn't the first Church of the Eternal Elf, but it was the first one to have what might be called a personal visit. Which eventually caused a stir as others realised the resemblance between the statue at the altar and the Elf helping out in the hospice.

Ze was busy with the Grumpy Baby Two-step[1] when the supplicants started queueing up. The first to face Wraithvine was one with a stump for an arm.

"You keep saying anyone can change the world with two kind hands. What of someone who only has one? Or less than one?"

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Challenge #03556-I267: Directed Assistance

A human, once a wealthy aristocrat, is begging in the streets now. They'd made mistakes, big mistakes, and now begged the Elven wizard and hir friends for help. They were truly sorry for what they did. What help did they want? Money? Power? No. Even though they were broke, they were trying to save those they, themselves, had impoverished, before it was too late. -- Anon Guest

Some in rags, and some in tags, and one in a velvet gown... The robe

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Challenge #03549-I260: Time Enough and Care

They had been lucky enough to be born into a family that had more Time than they knew what to do with, even with all the charities they supported AND the high taxes. So, they bought a large, badly damaged, station, had it fully restored to become state-of-the-art, then turned the entire station into a massive, beautiful, natural-as-possible garden, so that people traveling could use it as a breath of fresh air, as it were, and a rest-stop in their travels. Food

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Challenge #03539-I251: Inside the Church of... Me?

Wraithvine finds a temple out in the woodlands that is dedicated to aiding all those who come seeking no matter who they are, or where they come from. The temple has several worshipers and a single cleric. And whose face is it upon statue of the god in the place of honor and worshiped within? Wraithvine hirself. -- Anon Guest

Temples were always hit-and-miss shelters in extremis, and Wraithvine was a little bit dubious regarding the kindness of those strangers. The least

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Challenge #03527-I239: A Taste of Freedom

They were starving, just having crawled out from the hold of the ship they stowed away in, yet sat in the corner in the area near the shops just staring at everyone. Until a kind hand reached out to this malnourished, terrified, soul. -- Anon Guest

Britta could not find any more scraps of food on the ship. They had to get out of the walls. There were people flowing in and flowing out by various doors. They inserted themself into an

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Challenge #03520-I232: How to Tame Your Blood God

A person went to an ancient temple that looked almost as if it were in ruins. They begged of the god that was still willing to answer, please make me immortal, please let me heal others at a mere touch, and please, help me so that my heart never goes cold toward the plight of others. -- Anon Guest

Ask a lonely god for a favour, and they will pay in abundance. There's always a price for such a thing. Some demand

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Challenge #03500-I212: A Rare Kind Touch

Do you know what it's liked to be hugged, when before all you ever knew was a hard hand? Do you know what it's like to have someone hold you and tell you it'll be alright, when before, all your life, all you've known is to be told you are worthless? I do. Thank you for your warmth, I love you, too. -- Anon Guest

It had been quite a chase. It had been quite the revelation. The mad lord in morning,

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Challenge #03448-I160: Transparency Would be Nice

A Human Adventurer is collecting Kobold eggs, carefully putting them into a lined basket. They are attacked, defending themselves and avoiding harming the eggs. They explain about the danger to the eggs, and continue to gather them to get them to safety. -- Anon Guest

Litefinger had learned well. One being can change the world with two kind hands. Those kind hands had stolen a basket, foraged a lot of wool from the thornbushes, and were now lifting eggs from a Kobold

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Challenge #03413-I125: A Pinion'd Minion

Ma captures a merc who'd caught her to try to trap her son and the rest of the party. The leader of the flock of raven-folk, imagine the looks on Wraithvine's and the rest of their faces when she shows up with her new feathered friends.

((See comments for more details!)) -- DaniAndShali

The Raven-folk were said to be cursed by the gods. They had the power of creation taken away from them. Less

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Challenge #03405-I117: With Two Kind Hands

"You are rubber, they are glue...." Normally it was the other way around, but not for THIS spell. The wizard, in secret back alley-ways and run-down shacks found the downtrodden, child Tieflings, child Kobolds, and other such children, and did a spell that ensured, if anyone should physically try to harm them and be cruel, it rebounded upon their abusers. But there's a catch, if THEY were to act in a cruel manner, they were the ones struck instead -- Fighting Fit

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Challenge #03386-I098: Force Ma-jeure

"""So we just march in to the Undermountain and demand that the Lich King of Ages surrender?" / "Well, nobody's tried that before...""" It's one hell of a fight, no pun intended, and the King's forces learn, do NOT threaten youngsters, or adults for that matter, in front of the person's family, especially in front of the mother. There's a reason the nickname for such is "Mama Bear". -- Anon Guest

These people, Abundance decided, did not

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Challenge #03347-I059: We Know This Looks Bad

He swears his blade to Wraithvine. For as long as he lives, and for generations to come in his family, they swear to be the bodyguards of the eternal elf, and those the elf bade them to protect. The wizard saved him and his entire family, now, his family swears, they will protect the wizard. -- FightingFit

After the bloodiest of bloody coups, a man of knives takes a knee once more. Offers his blade to

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Challenge #03274-H365: Of Moose, Mistletoe, and Minors

Wraithvine's friend, Pondermoore, finds a human child lost and afraid in the woodlands. They'd wandered away from home to pick fall fruits, and had gotten very lost. Wraithvine was trying to locate the child's home and family, and it was very dark out, so not all that safe to travel. While the child was curled up on a bedroll, they looked up at Pondermoore and asked "Tell me a bedtime story, please?" -- Anon Guest

Judging by the squeak as she picked

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Challenge #03225-H316: A Different Cause For Tears

A human was crying, their friend asked what was wrong. They'd heard all their lives of all the wild cruelties humans had done to each other, then found an ancient, archived, video of humans in the past acting in kindness. The video really made them smile. -- Anon Guest

Humans don't always have good angles. The stories of them having murderous rampages against species that wronged them abound. Other stories... not so much. The stories

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