Catching Up

A 18-post collection

Thursday, Catching Up

I didn't get as far as my weekly rant, yesterday. At least I got the regular offerings out. So alongside catching up with that, I have a fellow author to mentor, some bloggage to shift, and maybe one of my other side projects if I can summon the energy.

I have a huge case of the dunwannas, today. I don't want push that boulder up the hill today. I don't want to do any work.

I want to curl up somewhere comfy with garbage food and worse television or be a blob all day.

I'm tired.

BUT I'm also the only person who wants to see my side-projects done. Maybe I should take a week off from doing things I don't want to do. Take some mental health time and enjoy my conscious hours for a bit.

The trick will be combatting inertia and getting back to it after that.

I might have a discuss with Beloved about that stuff. I may have hit a hump on a lot of my side projects. I'll unriddle what that's about, but I suspect the fact that pitching my books at the agents is going to take WAY longer than I thought it might.

I'll start with my usual offerings, and hope for the best. Rant soonish after that.

Saturday, Tummy Bug and Catching Up

Props to the poor sods who were literally working through the night to restore the NBN to my particular nook of Australia. Apparently, all of Caboolture was incommunicado for a good portion of yesterday.

When I went to bed at 10PM, there was a notice that boiled down to "We're doing our best, further bulletins as news warrants."

This morning, there was a notice to reboot your routers if you were still disconnected.

Champions, the lot of them.

I can't do parkrun

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Thursday, A Little Catch-up, and Listlessness

I'm already on low-batt status and I haven't started my daily shenanigans. I have some corrections to make for the background of my game boards. I mistook construction pieces for whole elements and that was my mistake to correct.

I'll be doing that after I make my offerings today.

I've taken my preventer in case this is an oxygen problem - and no it isn't. I'm still feeling like I'm operating under 1.5G's and that's the trial du jour.

And at

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Thursday, Pudding Day and Catching Up

I forgot to do Wordpress Wednesday, so that's what I'm doing first thing. It'll help me wait for the butter to thaw.

Yeah the butter I got yesterday wound up in a freezer. Things happen.

I'm making my Decadent Bread and Butter Pudding today, with cinnamon in the custard.

Gotta switch it up. My mixed fruit came without glace cherry bits.

ANY way. I have offerings to make, a pudding to bake, and a house to clean. Inertia is my copilot. And

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Tuesday, Back Online!

After eliminating all possible problems at home, we turned to the ISP. Who admitted that there's been an outage in the whole area.

As a side note, I joked that we'd get internet access back on the day when I'm due for intensive running around and... yeah. The dodge ball of Apollo smacked me good.

I shall be taking off in a few short hours to take Mayhem to APM. Which means that my offerings will be scattered.

Nevertheless, I shall be

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Thursday, Catching Up?

There's been shenanigans on shenanigans around here and I had a bad case of the DunWannas where I was chasing my endorphin fixes for a while.

I might still be doing that.

There's a lot to do and my digestive system is not helping my inclination to get the thing done.

Things be going right through me these days. Bit of a pain.

Speaking of pain...

I haven't done jack towards my longer-term goals and the more I procrastinate, the deeper my

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Sunday, Foundry, Game Night, and Catching up

I am currently making The Bikkie because I didn't have the time for it yesterday. I will be cleaning out the Catio at a later hour.

But first, Tale Foundry.

Later on, I shall be taking my nap so I can play games and chat with my international maniacs.

I haven't written very much these last couple of days. The crimbo hassle is getting on my butt.

I have cats investigating the current desk arrangement. Pippi has disconnected the main monitor thrice

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Thursday, Catching Up PLN

I usually watch the Critrole VOD on Tuesday. Tuesday was full of Other Stuff. So today I shall be watching at last. Yay. Just as the next episode comes out live.


I have a cyclone headache so I've taken the HEFTY meds and hoping they work.

I have a system of escalation regarding my pain management. Step one was last night.

So let's sketch it out for the worrywarts who read this [Hi, Mum!]:

  1. Panadol and Ibuprofen, two of each. I
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Saturday, Catching up

The Gayening has commenced. We have some rainbow flag bunting strung up near the front door. Very tasteful. Almost discrete. Only those prone to being offended could take offense at it.

In the acquisition of such, I missed out on Catio cleaning and the Starter feeding. I will get on with that after the story is posted.

After the Catio and Bikkie stuff, I shall get on with summaries, chapter separation, chamber dressing, and fic tagging. Yay.

I'm getting closer and closer

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Saturday, Catching up, and Blobbing

We have bade a final farewell to Capt. S yesterday. Thanks to that and some close calls on the road; I am frayed, worn out, and feeling very much like a sad lump of blob that's washed up on the tide-mark of life.

Having a night of rest that was a loose clump of intermittent naps did not help this. At all.

I know that I still have to clean the catio, feed my Starters, and manage the Bikkie. But what I

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Saturday, More Catching Up

I should get a chamber or a void done. I should get some more chapters summarised. I should also spend some time with my Beloved because quality time is important.

I shall work at what I can work at whilst my Beloved sleeps.

After that, my schedule is filled with a huge question mark. Hopefully with some R&R but you never know.

I think five chapters per diem is being kinder on myself and letting me have more mental health/

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Thursday, Game Night, Catching Up

It's been a week of it. Monday was too dang tired, Tuesday was tech support, Wednesday was running about for some interesting things...

For those who are interested, getting my hair done and checking out Miss Chaos' school's job expo. Then we had date night.

Today's the first chance I've had to sit down and work on things. I refuse to feel guilty about it, other people needed my time, presence, and muscle. I am only one bean, and I have my

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Friday, Catching up?

Beloved is off to work. The fam does not expect much of me, so today - energy willing - I shall be doing the "normal" routine.

Starting with a chamber of dungeon, since I've not done any of that for a significant time. I shall then clean out the catio since that also needs to be done and then either filter ten more publishers (quick) or edit ten more chapters of Adapting (bloody slow).

Between those two writing processes, I shall make

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Catching up

I forgot to post my Patreon stuff yesterday. Assorted nonsense with entire habitat unfucking got in the way. I am an easily-distracted gremlin.

The house is starting to look nicer in very specific areas. Shame about the piles of boxes and wrapping stuff. We'll deal with those anon.

Today, my PLNs include more set dressing for the dungeon and an evening at home because the movie we want to see is only on tomorrow.

Beloved stayed up all night to do housework

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Thursday, Catching Up and Shoulder

I didn't do my Wordpress, yesterday. I was out having fun. So I write it today. Huzzah.

If I have the energy, I shall take a garbage bag and whirlwind all of the tissues out of my room. If not, no loss.

I have to remember to be kind with me.

Beloved and I spent a lovely spa day. It came with profiterole mice. Imagine a profiterole with white icing on top. One part has been deliberately drizzled to represent a muzzle.

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