Plague Diary

A 1546-post collection

Friday, Preparations Ahoy

This afternoon, after I have Mayhem back home, I am packing my old rig in the boot. All the better to deliver to Adorable on the following morrow.

Tomorrow: I go on parkrun, enjoy brunch with the fam, deliver the tower, and then make my offerings before catching a slep. And THEN I might just be doing a D&D sesh as the DM in the wee smol NEXT morning.


Mayhem has PLNs to redecorate his entire dang room to suit himself and his needs better. Which means I have to take him around to at least look at furnishing alternatives.

Which has to be wedged between other engagements.

There's a hope, in the end, that I will find a way to have time for myself and my loved ones and freaking RELAX. And to seek some personal enjoyment.

It'll be a nice change.

Thursday, Shopping Done, Light Expectations

Squeezing tasks out of minutes to spare included a brief Leyland's Tour for household supplies. I am finally back and about to make my offerings.

I have a Starter to feed, the harvest of that to bake, a treato to ingest, and all my daily offerings as well as attempting to make a thing firkin work.

Yes, I have come full circle with attempting to make Stenycyl work again :P

I will hit that thing with a hammer, so help me.


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Wednesday, Rant Day & Shopping PLNs

I think I shall give a shout-out to Girl Genius today. Tomorrow, I go get supplies after I drop off Mayhem and hope for enough time to chill thereafter.

Results may be negligible.

I'm going to go jiggery-pokering around in Stencyl later today if I have the time. If not, I'll check another month of tags on the app-to-be.

That's usually pretty fast.

Mayhem's having his doubts about his job. I told him he should at least give himself a chance to

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Tuesday, Fewer Hours

Mayhem had a later start this morning and an earlier finish this arvo. I have less hours for my assorted shenanigans today. Including making sure Owlbear works on OBS with everything else.

I have yet to work out KittyCam for my writing stream, and using the intro timer as well.

Baby steps.

Today, my priority is the offerings first, then a little screwing around in Stencyl. Just to have my chart picked in the new colour. If I ragequit Stencyl before the

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Monday, Interesting Week Ahead

The backup reads are going on, I have to set up OBS for my streams, and I have more chapters to read for Adorable. I have Patreon posts to get out there and I am already highly distracted by nonsense on my desk.

At least I have my meds and daily doses taken care of.

I'll figure out ways to cram it all in. Somehow.

And this week, I'm still spending every day on two two-hour round trips. Yaaayyyy...

Wish me luck,

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Sunday, the Last Day Off of Sorts

All of this week shall also be taken in 4-hour road trips to drop Mayhem off at work. He's considering getting Work From Home, but has to (a) get his hand in at the job (b) rearrange everything in his room so it's also an office, and (c) figure out how to finance that noise.

It's going to be a while.

Fun times are ahead. Including the fact that I need to rearrange OBS again and configure my nonsense for streaming.


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Saturday, Parkrun, New Rig, and SHENANIGANS GALORE

My morning has been complicated by the Global Blue Screen of Doom.

  • Because Windoze had a failure of a security upgrade, lots of Windoze-based systems no worky no more
  • Which includes the local 7-11
  • Where I went to get petrol before the commute to parkrun
  • Advised to go to a different servo, but I went to a different-different servo where I also picked up snacks for Beloved and Miss Chaos
  • And it also took me a solid minute to figure out
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Friday, Bread, Crash

I'm currently using phone data so I shall be brief.

The internet is down where I am and I'm also making bread so going fully mobile is not an option. It might be an option on another day. Time will tell.

Normal services will resume as soon as the connection does. I'm keeping an eye on it and we've complained to out alleged provider about it. Much fun not being had by anyone TBH.

I did NOT need this. At all.


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Thursday, Bread and PLNs

I was up at 5 to feed the cats and my starter so that I would have ample time to start my starter so that it would be ready by after 9AM. Bread math.

I have the dough autolysing as I type.

I pln on getting a wriggle on with the processing and hope that I get most things done before it's time for the long drive to fetch son-of-mine.

A little bit difficult because my fluffy brain would rather zone out

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Wednesday, Shrink, Bread, and PLNs

I have a shrink appointment in a few short minutes. I also have to figure out what I'm ranting about this week. Probably a little thing about my favourite band.

I really have to plan my bread, this week. Juggling time windows so I can have bread before I run out of it. Which means that I have to do my stocking up today. Thank grop I only need to refresh the sardine supply.

...and snag some croissants for Beloved's digestive nonsense.

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Tuesday: A Bit Crammed

I have a new rig!


So here's my day:

  • Up at 6 to feed the cats and prep for nonsense
  • 2-hr round trip at 7
  • Refuel
  • Fetch my babe
  • Drive to Brisbane to fetch the new rig
  • Drop it off at Adorable's for the new OS install

So now I'm waiting for Adorable to complete the technical difficulties with the OS install.


I didn't get any side-projects done last night. Such is the way of things.

I'm too busy for

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Monday, Patreon and Crammed Timeline

Awake at 5-ish, stretchies until 6, feed the cats, torture feet. Continue with the stretchies (currently incomplete), ferry Mayhem to work. Back home, attend the backup reads.... and actually get to participate.

I still need to work on my daily offerings, post my Patreon stuff, prep to pitch again (I'm overdue), pick up Mayhem, pick up Beloved, and maybe get some time to myself.


I am going to finish my stretchies and then do what I can to get on with

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Sunday, Day Off?

I don't have to go anywhere so I PLN on making the most of that. Four hours of my days next week will be in ferrying Mayhem to and from his new workplace.

The sooner this lad gets a car and license of his own, the firkin BETTER. Or he could move into a place closer to work if that works out for his long term PLNs.

Today, I owe y'all a twofer, which I will be taking at a relatively leisurely

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Saturday, Parkrun and Upgrades

Thanks to a chain of shenanigans involving Adorable, a dodgy compy part, and attempts to repair her compy... I am about to get a new compy made out of all the replacement parts that were never needed.

It's a complicated pile of shenanigans and I can't remember the name of the bit that initially went wrong. Suffice to say that Beloved and Adorable bought a new one that was broken in the box, and subsequently attempted to fix said compy by replacing

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Friday, Very Tired Bean

Done so far:

[X] Tortured my feet

[X] Driven Mayhem to work

[X] Cleaned out the catio

[X] Finished my stretchies

[X] Wrote another half-chapter of A Devil's Tale

Yet to do are the daily offerings and maybe an attempt to unfuck Stencyl's shenanigans.

And I still have to go fetch Mayhem this afternoon.

Tomorrow, I have to get up early for parkrun and, perhaps, an entire day of QPP fun. Which means that I might not have time to make my

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