Pack Bonding

A 72-post collection

Challenge #02730-G173: Hunting for the Delicate

Some older humans bring their alien friends to a bingo parlor for a night of playing bingo and having snacks. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Though I am of bingo-playing age, I only have the vaguest idea how it is played]

"This is a perfect game for the frailer sort," said Human Jem. "Little strenuous activity, but it still tests observation, response time, and searching skills."

This was a Deathworld game, so Glex knew the right question to ask. "What are you hunting?"

Human Jem laughed and nodded. "You nailed it. We're hunting numbers, and these," they handed Glex a piece of cardboard with a grid on one side, "are the hunting ground." The grid, on further examination, held numbers within each square. "The goal is to get five of them in a straight line. Vertically, horizontally, or diagonally."

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Challenge #02691-G134: Harmless Unless...

“My apologies but you are so similar to my damn cat”

“What make you sayyyy that?”

“Your reaction to catnip is exactly the same way as my cat” -- Anon Guest

Harmless substances are only harmless to some. Humans regularly imbibe carbonic acid because they find it tasty. In such cases, harmlessness is relative. In most cases, the phrase is "harmless but". For example, the Terran catnip plant is harmless, but it also functions as a narcotic for other species. How they

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Challenge #02690-G133: Labor of Love

A human who enjoys fiber crafts goes on a quest to find the perfect material to make a soft, cuddly...thing for a havenworlder friend's birthday. The havenworlder is not from a culture that celebrates birthdays. -- Anon Guest.

"This is for a Havenworlder," said the Human in the store. "I need the friendliest fibre you've got. Soft, gentle, won't tangle in their scales or rip their little baby claws if they get caught up. I'd really prefer they didn't get caught

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Challenge #02649-G092: What Works For Some

A species that usually has mated groups of 3 or more, but never less, and upon meeting two bonded Humans and understanding there is no third is all prepared to be appropriately sympathetic for their Human’s loss of mate(s) -- Anon Guest

[AN: Reminder to all readers that Polyamory between consenting parties is a legitimate relationship option for Humans as well as alien life]

"Marriage is a sacred bond between three to five people. No more, no less." -- Xyltarxian

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Challenge #02648-G091: United We...

It was played across the entire galactic alliance. On the emergency frequency on every ship it was picked up. For many it was a slight annoyance but for the humans they riled in pain an old memory of the collective mind. The med teams across the alliance didn’t know what to do since it affected the humans on the team as well. The frequency was picked up by a group of translators realizing it was an ancient language the humans spoke.

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Challenge #02634-G077: Putting it Together

(Based on experience with Harm-OCD)

The new human on board came highly recommended. They left every area they worked in cleaner and safer than it was when they started, seemed to always find and fix issues before they ever had a chance to become a problem, were quick to talk down anyone that started to become angry or frightened, and even seemed to never have issues with Silly-Seasons. The only issue was that they refused to work with Havenworlders…

Anytime they were

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Challenge #02629-G072: Impossible Consequences

Human Dave was an interesting individual. His pack bonding ability is astounding even among his fellow Humans. The downside being where ever Dave goes chaos ensues. Even humans with high restraints have hard time controlling themselves. There are few Humans around Dave that are able to, in human terms “keep a tight leash on him”. I was able to ask one of them about more information about Dave. Saying that him and two other take shifts restraining Dave but whenever the day

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Challenge #02621-G064: Reach Out And...

Born without the ability to speak, the human wrote or use signed language to communicate, though they could speak mind to mind, most did not like that at all, it gave them headaches. But as they worked on the havenworlder's ship, their first assignment, they heard something. But it was in their head. They went to the gravity drive and realized... that is who they were hearing. They spoke back, one mind to another, and in doing so the two ended up

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Challenge #02614-G057: Therapeutic Bonding Exercises

Humans quietly did not speak of it.

Speak of it and it makes it real, yeah?

One of the leftover prejudices from Pre-Shattering.

In reality, it wasn’t so bad. Young terrans unmeaningly latching on to inappropriate first beings when they were beginning their Adult Growth cycle. Receiving mixed and confused information due to age and species wasn’t so odd, with all the travelling.

You just had to know how to handle it so it went from "No, it’s okay!

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Challenge #02606-G049: Rude Questions Welcome

A family is traveling home after spending time with friends and relatives for a holiday. The children are bored and ask their father, a botanical researcher, to tell them about the human companions that they got to travel with. -- Anon Guest

"You do understand that I'm better with plants," said their Papa. "I've heard a lot of things about Humans and some of them might even be true."

The children laughed, so too did the Human sharing the travel lounge with

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Challenge #02604-G047: Worth the Ordeal

"Wow, you really did it!"

"I said I would, didn't I?"

"Well, yes..."

"Then why are you so surprised?"

"Oh, I figured something of a higher priority would come along and you'd do that, then you'd be busy and forget about it, so I just assumed it wouldn't happen for, like, three or four months so I wouldn't give you a reason to be mad at me for being frustrated that you didn't do it when you said you would!" -- Anon

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Challenge #02595-G038: Sharing and Caring Intertwined

It that time of year where I don’t want to get out of my bed and chug hot chocolate down my esophagus, with any combination of sweets from marshmallows to the leftover candy-canes to The weird but tasty treats my aunt gave me. I’m sure I will be able to find a combination that is not toxic to my crew mates -- Anon Guest

Humans, it seems, have a seasonal awareness that stretches out to places where seasons are non-existence.

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Challenge #02594-G037: And a Macaroni Necklace

He owned, of all things, a trash planet. How did he manage to own an entire planet? Well, when you have an IQ that puts nearly all of the rest of the human race to shame, it's not hard to figure out how to get ownership of such a thing. Besides, no one argued much when he won the bet and requested a trash planet in a rather out-of-the-way area of space as his reward. And, with it, he was able to

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Challenge #02591-G034: Conspiracy to Spread Joy

There are those that are not fans of the holiday season. The reasons are as myriad as the individuals themselves. But then there are those who not only enjoy the seasons, but absolutely revel in them. All around the station they were showing up outside of doors. Showing up at people's workstations and amongst ship supplies. Carefully wrapped gifts. It only had three words on it "From a friend"

No one claimed responsibility for these actions and no one was usually around

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Challenge #02586-G029: A Friend of a Friend

We love, we protect, and we only want you to carry our own with you when you escape. Please, please, take our tiniest and most vulnerable with you when we sacrifice ourselves for an exit (X1000% if it's our pets, who can't even deal with the galaxy we brought them into) ---HUMANKIND c/- Protection

"You lot go on, I'll catch up. Just do me a solid, okay? Make sure Tibbles is safe with you." Human Fil was torn between what they

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