Stream Shenanigans

A 34-post collection

Sunday, Tale Foundry and stream plns

Tale Foundry is doing its thing. I just finished making a lot of maps, and cussing about DungeonDraft crashing like a bitch.

Lots of Frustrate, this morning.

Beloved is coming home sometime today, so if I am streaming when she does, I may be understandably distracted.

I also have a loud as FUCK keyboard that is going to be a lot of tikkatakka noise on my stream. Sorry to the ASMR enthusiasts who may tune in.

Be prepared.

Chapter Count: About to commence putting words into chapter 284. It's going to be a quadrilogy.

I probably won't write more of it today. Today is a day for naps, cuddles, or a combination of the twain.

...after the story of course.

I need to make sure of the prompt and, if possible, launch into plotting my entry for next week.

It's a thing I like to do.

Story soon. Interruptions depending.

Sunday, Streams and Dubious PLNs

Beloved and I were going to go out and acquire activewear that was relatively winter-proof.

Alas, we have run out of moneys. Or rather, Beloved has run out of moneys. So I shall be using my cash funds to do anything until payday.

So I might have to limit myself to just the leggings for the meanwhile.

I do not wish for my knees to freeze.

On the positive side, I now have enough Keto-snacks to keep me happy for quite some

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Sunday, Streamy Shenanigans

Tale Foundry is doing their thing. I have finished dressing a dungeon and begun another. I am pondering doing the meme whilst I wait to stream again...

And then I remembered I should probably blog.

Chapter count: Finally on the second page of Ch 270. Uncharted territory slows me the fuck down. Should be on things I've rehearsed real soon now.


No other plns but messing around on the interwebs today, but I shall force myself to get some raw images

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Sunday, Tale Foundry and Streaming Nonsense

I've already done the Game Stream, and I'm watching Tale Foundry. I can't do my usual stunt of writing the next story in advance. Because the leads on the vote are tied.

So I shall spend the intervening minutes working on another chapter of A Devil's Tale because I need to have those to keep my Beloved happy. Well. I also want to have those. Because this whole book is fun.

For the second time, DungeonDraft crashed as I was trying to

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Sunday, Day 0, Shenanigans

Plague news:

  • 15 050 new cases
  • 84 807 total active cases
  • 884 hospitalisations
  • 52 in the ICU
  • 23 deaths
  • 8 096 total cases in First Nations People

Vax news:

  • 335 954 national doses
  • 58 148 Qld doses
  • 8 480 ACT doses
  • 100 781 NSW doses
  • 2 988 NT doses
  • 24 409 SA doses
  • 6 930 Tas doses
  • 92 697 Vic doses
  • 41 521 WA doses

Two of those Qld doses are myself and my Beloved. That's right! We've had our boosters. Huzzah.

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Sunday, Day 0, PLNs?

Plague news: Three new cases, all imports. There's twenty-nine total active cases, eighteen of those are in hospital and one of those is in the ICU. Australia's at 84% first vax, 67% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 72% first vax and 56% fully vaxxed.

We're going to need all those vaccines because NSW is opening up to a global influx of Knomiras who won't pay attention to any rule they don't like. Yay.

Beloved will be making something wonderful with very little of

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Monday, Day 0, Shenanigans!

Plague News: Two new cases, both imports. Thirty-four total active cases, nineteen are in hospital, and one's in the ICU. The vax information has vanished from the news site I know so let's find another source... got it. Australia's at 82% first vax, and almost 62% fully vaxxed. 72% of Queensland has had their first dose, with 52% having gained their second.

My spawns are getting their second dose tomorrow so we're doing our bit.

My PLN for today includes uploading the

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Sunday, Day 0, Stream 'n' Sleep

Plague news: Thirteen new cases, all local transmission. One hundred and forty-four total cases [that's a gross for the numerically uninitiated], seventy are in hospital and one's in the ICU.

Plague brain's got me taking writing lightly and that's okay. Most of my energy is going towards worrying about the firkin deadly disease going around everywhere and WHY are people STILL being dickheads about firkin basic safety precautions?


If Covid was a firkin serial killer you can bet everyone would be

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Sunday, Day 0, Stream

Plague news: Five new cases, none local and five imports. Forty-nine active with forty-three in hospital.

I've figured out TaleSpire and no, I won't be able to make all of Whitekeep in it. At least not until they have all of the extant Wizards maps available for DM customisation.

Which may never happen.

Which means I'll be better off figuring this horseshit out by hand on my iPad. Blargh.

In the news:

  • The only thing we should care about is Wimbledon
  • ...and
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Wednesday, Day 0, Wordpress

Plague news: four new cases, two of each import and local transmission. Forty-one total cases and all of them are in hospital. We're in day one of a three-day lockdown. Thanks, Knomiras.

Straight after I post here, I'm going to stream the creation of another flash fiction. Link in the list from the hamburger.

In the news:

  • Delta hits the headlines in relation to Queensland
  • Former Disney star did a racy photoshoot and now people are slamming him for it
  • Lockdown shenanigans
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Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Plague news: Three new cases, two local, one import. Forty-one total cases and they're all in hospital.

I have a PLN to open up my Discord to all visitors [come join us!] and lowering the bar for that on my Patreon is one of my priorities this morning. Augh.

Plague vectors to the right of me, plague vectors to the left of me... BUT at least I have sanity projects so there's that.

In the news:

  • Mine worker the latest patient zero
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Sunday, Day 0, Stream Shenanigans again

Plague news: One new case, an import. Thirty-nine active cases, thirty-seven of those in hospital.

Toasty has a stream in the wee smol, and I am prepared with a nest of caffeine and other hydrations. The pln for today is to chillax and maybe, after the post-Toasty napnap, write an Instant.

I'm not really looking at the news, but there's some buckwild stuff happening in the fandom zone.


  • The people behind Supernatural are creating a prequel series? With somehow castiel involved?
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Sunday, Day 1, Stream

Plague news: twenty-six total cases, and all of them are in hospital. Yikes.

Toasty's doing a stream sometime real soon now. I wait in eager anticipation of that nonsense.

Didn't get any coding done yesterday because out and about trying to get stuff. We did get most stuff, but not the one thing that I had absent-mindedness about.

It was hollandaise sauce. They didn't have any. Ugh.

Not looking at the news. Just focussing on having some literature done before an early

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Sunday, Day 0, Stream Shenanigans

Plague news: 1 imported case. Domestic transmission at Day 2 without a new case. Fourteen total cases, ten are in hospital.

I am going to watch Toasty's stream in more than a few minutes. On my agenda, writing the FAQ for my app. Things are going apace. We actually have a minimally functional thing. Huzzah.

Next up: bells, whistles, functionality and accessibility.

But first... an FAQ.

Which I'm writing when I should be finishing this up. Onwards.

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