
A 13-post collection

Challenge #03676-J023: Learning of Life and...

A young orphan's pet has passed on, their mentor, a very kind giant who guards the orphanage, soothes the young human when they don't understand why their pet won't wake up. -- Anon Guest

Feslas found Allyl in the stables, cradling one of the barn cats. Which was limp and unresponsive and... very dead. Nobody had killed the beast. It had been an old cat before Allyl took a liking to sitting still in the sunshine and straw with the animals.

"She's not playing," complained Allyl. "She won't purr."

Feslas could easily hold the both of them in the palm of hir hand, and offered it to Allyl. Ze sat carefully, making sure ze didn't cause harm in the action. Allyl was four. These things could be devastating.

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Challenge #03615-I327: Last Entry From Human Dyoth

Death is the ultimate inevitability. Face it with bold dignity or with shrieking rage, but face it nonetheless. -- Anon Guest

The air is so thin. Even my livesuit can't get me enough. It's so cold and my heaters are busted. Its priority is keeping my brain alive, but soon... not even that.

Have to get to the top.

Got the tools. Got the thing. Beacon. Yes. Got the beacon. Get it up above the clouds and save the fuzzies. They're nice

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Challenge #03557-I268: An Overdue Appreciation

Death is used to the living fearing them when they come to take the living to the next world. But this living being, as they lay waiting for Death's hand to take their pain away, holds out a simple silk flower, enchanted so Death may hold it close. This being's way of saying thank you. For in the end, Death is usually the kindest being of all. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I am using everything in my power to not steal Sir

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Challenge #03502-I214: Last Warning

“This breaks our immortality deal,” the being slammed the butt end of their staff on the ground, causing the palace to shake and the floor began to crack around him. Some poor souls were blown away from the room while the some of guards were barely able to hold their ground while the rest collapsed. Ten beings were all that were left standing wearing some very prestigious clothing. “Please forgive us, this may be an error in our side. We would not

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Challenge #03306-I018: The Great Leveler

The Humans are dead. A futile effort to go against the almighty. Among the field of the fallen, one rose among the dead. Cloaked in black, it barely had any strength to stand. A barrage of concentrated plasma hit it dead on, as the dust settled, the only thing the barrage did was knock off its hood. It was no human, it lacked any flesh. It was just bones and in its desolate eyes was hazy blue flame. Its jaw opened, spilling

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Challenge #03060-H137: And Then, Death, You Will Die

[death is no longer a threat. the man took the scythe.

the silly fool is now the master of death.

he has adopted a great power, but also a great curse. what a silly man.]( -- Anon Guest

[AN: The linked video is more or less described in the prompt, but it's way more silly in person]

My name is Death... now. It was something else, once, but that changed. They say you can beat Death at one

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Challenge #02974-H051: Her Unfinished Business

memento mori

Search for the truth

Search for, and remember, the truth of your death -- Anon Guest

Fog hid most of the world and it was easy to get lost. She kept close to solid things. Walls, doors, furniture, large appliances, that sort of thing. The fog was in her brain, to. The larger things were even harder to find because of that.

Her name was... She was just... She was lost. That was big enough to deal with. The shadow

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Challenge #02973-H050: Achievement Unlocked

Everything is going dark. You’re surrounded by loved ones. Your lover is clenching you hands tightly, tears streaming down their face. Slowly you placed you hands on their cheeks “it’s ok, look at what we build.” You muster a smile at your sunshine. Your strength is dimming, the light in your eyes fade away... You feel your self drifting in the endless void, it’s not cold nor warm. You tried moving your arms, nothing. You tired saying something anything,

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Challenge #02830-G273: One Last Angel

I’ve always knew that death would come. Don’t know where, don’t know when. Death always looms over everyone and I know my time has come. It’s fine, I lived a full life, I’m one of the few to meet their great great grandchildren. They knew I was gonna to pass so they stayed by my side. At the end that when I saw death.I could barely move, I could barely speak. Death reached into his cloak

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Challenge #02539-F349: Death Came Knocking

It seemed to him, he was born under a curse. He could always tell, with just a touch, how and when someone was going to die. Out of fear, his mother and step-father had sent him to live with a relative, the relative sent him to an orphanage, and the orphanage, as soon as he was big enough, sent him to live alone in one of the out-buildings, though they at least made sure he didn't starve. He had no friends, and,

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Challenge #02285-F095: On Swift Wings

The ability of the human body to survive immense injury while also succumbing to the most bizarre things has always fascinated me.

For example, you hear of people falling out of airplanes and landing on the ground after crashing through trees, yet only suffering a sprained ankle and some bruises...

... and on the other hand there’s events such as the death of famous whiskey distiller Jack Daniels, who died from a blood infection caused by a broken toe which stemmed from

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Challenge #01629-D168: Unfortunate For Some

Hell, as they say is other people. Especially when you are a school bus driver. -- Knitnan

The chant had started from the back of the bus. "We wanna, we wanna, we wanna wee! If you do not stop for us/ we'll do it on the bus![1]" The otherwise well-behaved kid in the front seat was singing X-1 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. The crowd of kids sharing music were singing both off key and out of sync. The people

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Challenge #01143-C046: Can it, Carol!

"Hmph. I'll have you know, that whole thing is just a horrid example of misinformation."

"You're basically a two-meter-tall mantis from our perspective. Humans assuming you devoured your mate was kinda to be expected... namely since, uh, you did."

"Well, yes... but not before he was dead! We do have laws, you know. Such is our way for those who are gone. Your kind just throws them in a dirty hole to rot or burns them to ash. How wasteful." -- Gallifreya

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