
A 145-post collection

Challenge #04226-K208: The Key to Success

In this city, the heroes were the ones that helped all. The villains were the ones that judged by looks alone. -- Anon Guest

It was trial by adventure to cast the protectors of the city. Those who made it through the labyrinthine series of gauntlets were in the running. The ones who made it through the best were going to get all the prestige and associated responsibility thereof.

It was quite the gauntlet. Traps. Puzzles. Encounters. Monsters and innocent civilians mixed together. And of course, there was a trick that the would-be heroes had to unriddle.

Hero Team A, the best fighters from Noble families that Swinbrau had to offer, turned the corner to find a collapsed tunnel wall and a small Hellin half under the rubble. The devilborn was battered, bruised, and weak. They reached out to the heroes from the best school in Alfarell... according to the best school in Alfarell.

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Challenge #04225-K207: Just Isekai'd

Wh...where am I?

"It's ok, you're recovering from your illness, child.

I.... was in a car wreck....

"What's a car?"

Wha? Where am I?

"You're near the lands of Whitekeep"

what.. is Whitekeep,never heard of it.

"I've never met a reborn before."


"It's alright... perhaps we should talk." -- Anon Guest

[AN: I posted about my temptation to get Isekai'd just two days before this was due to be a story. FTR I rejected the temptation because I STILL

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Challenge #04222-K204: Responsibility in Action

The right thing to do... that's... sometimes hard. I've an entire city of badly infected people. If even one individual gets out, the surrounding countryside will be in immense danger. But if I keep them trapped here, I'm removing their freedom, and treating them like prisoners. What do I do? -- Anon Guest

The plague had come to Lessermont. The local healers had caught it before the merchants who brought it could move out, and the local Lord was wise enough to

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Challenge #04219-K201: Stepped Across Millennia

Has my nose grown numb to the smell of blood? Was the moon always this bright? Birds aren’t supposed to sing at this time... the streets sound so busy, is there a festival?

I don’t think I’m supposed to be here... -- Anon Guest

On very rare occasions, someone can step between time to a different era. Almost every time this happens, it's someone that either era would not notice. In this case, it was someone who one era

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Challenge #04217-K199: Slaked by Shadows

Here in my lake, sweet little one, you will see and remember your past lives. Whether you choose to remember them once you leave this beautiful pool, is entirely up to you. -- Anon Guest

There are portals to other planes in the world. Most common are the ways to Nanogh, the plane of magic. One can, with significant effort, find portals to every elemental plane, and a few others. The plane of torment is easier to find than the plane of

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Challenge #04209-K191: In the Other's Shoes

The Academy has a Reverse Room. Every year the student handbook is given out, and one of the first warnings is that bullying is NOT tolerated. What happens to a bully? They are forced to sit in the heavily padded Reverse Room. There spells in there force them to see and feel everything they did to their victims, from the victims point of view. -- Anon Guest

Educational facilities have had various methods of dealing with bullies. The usual methods allow the

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Challenge #04208-K190: Sacrifice of the Willing

I really don’t want to explain the minute details of localizing my existence, but the broad strokes of it are, it takes a vast amount of energy to anchor myself to this point. The energy that is used and the corresponding residuals is not safe for this plane of existence. Using your particular soul will act as both as a fuel source and Coordinates, but don’t worry at most you’ll only lose about two days or a week maximum

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Challenge #04207-K189: Little Discoveries, Large Impact

The apprentice mage welcomed only enough gold, and the charm, to allow them to travel to where Wraithvine asked them to come to set up their little shop. They only accepted enough coin to survive on, wanting little else. After all, this was meant to help others, not to be rich. Helping others made them happy. -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine was right. Aelinor would definitely have enough data for their experiments. The time it took for

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Challenge #04206-K188: The Kindness Treaty

A village deliberately founded ON TOP of a kobold burrow, with the manor of the village lord covering to entrance to the burrow itself. But it isn't what people think. The village cared for the kobolds. Especially since the lord was saved by these beings when they were a small child being chased by monsters. -- Anon Guest

Gratitude has many aspects. A simple "thank you" is just the most common one. Sometimes nothing more than a meaningless sound since it it

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Challenge #04204-K186: Not Like Other Rogues

I was born looking human in a community of those most call Unwanted. They treated me kindly and rarely mistreated me for my appearance. Save for a few with grudges who learned quickly it was wrong. So why do so many who look like me treat them so badly just because of how they look? -- Anon Guest

I grew up in ShadowCluster. A tumbledown community wedged into the crevice of Halgal Cliffs, the edifice that gave the city Myncloch its name.

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Challenge #04201-K183: Help Unwanted

They were a traveling merchant, a human and hir family. Any place they went, they were always kind, without asking anything in return, to those that were considered unwelcome or unwanted. They did not follow any gods, nor were part of any temple. It's just been their family's tradition for many generations. And it helped in times when they, themselves, needed aid. -- Anon Guest

The wagon went from place to place. Selling medicine. Selling cures. Selling a certain amount of curiosities.

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Challenge #04200-K182: Essential Skills for Found Family

The Hellkin traveler met an unwanted human child. Left in the woodlands to die. The child was very thin, blisters on bare feet from walking, thin, exhausted, young, and frightened. The Hellkin had a new child to raise, and some to give lessons to, the hard way. -- Anon Guest

Horizon never expected to become a parent, but life has its way of delivering little surprises. Ze'd been foraging for dinner and almost loosed hir arrow at a Human toddler.

Filthy. Starving.

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Challenge #04199-K181: Wish Upon Star

It is called the Temple of Dreams and Wishes. Yet here, the only Dreams and Wishes that are granted, are those meant to truly help others, for the gods of this temple have one irrevocable law. DO NO HARM. -- Lessons

There's a local god on the rise. Guardian of a small island chain off the coast from Vingate, word has it that they grant wishes and make dreams come true.

Word like that gets around. People come with hope. They come

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Challenge #04198-K180: To Know the Name of a God

They followed a god that was considered an "evil god". A god of darkness and shade. And yet, their entire lives, they helped those in need. Those stuck in a cycle of pain and torment were given gentle hands so that they may be guided into more peaceful, more fulfilling, lives. -- Anon Guest

Do not utter the name of the goddess of death, lest you gain her attention. So many call her Mistress Dark, the Last Host, She With Many Guests,

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Challenge #04195-K177: Perilous Choices

Bolvoth decides to teach the young woman the lessons she seems to be refusing to learn. Lest she be the one he is called against to truly harm one day. -- Anon Guest

Love is very many things, none of them logical. So too is the determination of a rebellious teenager. When those combine, someone is going to come to some very bad damage. Whether or not there was a 'splash zone' involved was generally a

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