Wordpress Wednesday

A 146-post collection

Wednesday, Date Day and Wordpress

I should launch soon, but I also need my nebuliser, so I take off after that.

I shall be shaving seconds on this.

Everything is going to hinge on my ability to fill my lungs with medication.

I won't speed. I won't drive dangerously. I'd rather be a little late than dead, on time.

Beloved is seeing experts, so I am chauffeur, escort, and entertainment for the day. And then it shall be dinner and Karaoke for the QPP.


I shall be doing most of my offerings during hurry-up-and-wait time, so they shall be sparse. Go to the sources [links in menu section] to stay tuned to that because I may not have the time to spread the word on my other socials.

Wednesday, Wordpress and EXPERTS

Beloved is seeing the arm experts today, and hopefully getting a judgement on how wobbly things are in there. I have my fingers crossed for a fix for that nonsense, but there's an equal chance they'll tell her everything is perfectly normal and expected.

I would very much LIKE a fix because the wobbling is painful for Beloved and disturbing to the rest of us.

This weekend also features a REN FAIRE! We've been looking forward to this thing for a month

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Other PLNs

Beloved is in the wars, and due to be out of hospital tomorrow. So that's the new Date Night(tm) this week.

IDFK what I'm doing with myself today.

I'm probably taking Beloved to a controlled environment tomorrow evening, all the better to ease her recuperation.

So the final tally is:

  1. Broken arm
  2. Broken jaw
  3. Added plate in the jaw
  4. Braces to restraighten her teeth

While they were in there, they took out some teeth that were just about gone anyway.


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Wednesday, Wordpress and Remote Dating

Both my snugglebuddies are down with a sickness. Beloved caught a Lurgi while she was over at Adorable's and we mutually decided not to give me another threat to my lungs.

BUT it's also date night and bonding exercises have to be a shared experience we can do together. So we're doing that.

Technonerds for the win, I guess.

I already did the meme on the Fediverse this morning, so all I have left is the daily tale, the Wordpress entry, and

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Wednesday, Date Night, no current PLN

I'm going to place and do thing with my love tonight, but I have no idea which place or what thing. Nevertheless, I have my Torture Shoes(tm) on for whatever may happen.

I'm sure we'll figure something out in due course, but it will probably be involving the Jacka's iced caffeine with bursties in there.

It's not often I get my hands on sugar, you know.

I'm kind of running out of new things to experience, or ones that are easily

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Date Night, and Revelations

Yesterday, I finished Chapter 280. All I needed to do was have half an hour away from the temptation of Dwarf Fortress.

So that's what I'm trying today.

After I write this blog, I shall have to leave to go shopping for essentials [cat food, tinned fish for the fam, more cream for my good self]

The kids have been on a tinned fish bender lately and supplies are running low.

So my day started with needing cream and graduated to a

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Date Night, and Snuggle Time

Beloved is home again tonight and it shall be part of my plans to pick her up and then take her out. Powers only know what else I am doing in the evening. Besides cuddling, I mean.

For the day, I make my offerings, and send them forth into the interwebs. I work on my WIP for as long as inspiration strikes and then fuck off and fool about on games.

Chapter Count: Made it past 2/5ths of Chapter 279. Fingers

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Patreon, and Date Night

I forgot to do the Patreon stuff. That will be happening very soon. Along with the Wordpress entry for this week.

I really should get myself back into the habit of summarising my firkin novels. On the other hand, I really wanna chase endorphins via game.

I'll focus on doing my offerings first rather than attempting to micromanage Dwarves or work on my farms in Minecraft or work on my Dyson sphere.

...I will find curious ways to procrastinate and I need

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Shenanigans

My love and I have knotted muscles in our shoulders and upper right arms. So my PLN involves getting some bath bombs (and dinner), and then retiring for the evening for a nice hot bath and massage exchange.

I shall be posting yet another episode of the fanficcy variant of "A Devil's Tale" today, working on the daily offerings, and of course the WIP.

Chapter Count: About to launch into chapter 274. I might be heading towards Literary Zoomies? I dunno. I

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Date Night, and Movie Day

Taking Mayhem out to see the D&D movie. So the usual offerings will be later than normal.

I can hope to get the Wordpress out.

It takes me longer to write a whole story from prompt than it does to copy/pasta stuff.

Updates if necessary, much later. We're going to have some fun rn.

...I also have no idea what we're doing for Date Night, but I am for sure paying for it.

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Shrink Day

I have what boils down to a phone call today, so you know that that takes care of the rest of plans.

I want to write an open letter to all the trans kids currently suffering under the brutal thumb of Right Wing Rot... but my emotions are gonna get drained enough through the shrinky stuff.

I might do an extra feature tomorrow. Time is of an essence with these kiddos. They need the support and writing is all I can really

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Wednesday, Date Night and Wordpress

It's another feast day and I'm hoping that yesterday's Sharts won't interrupt any plans I might have to enjoy with Beloved.

I also have to make some firkin plans.

Already, the Dunwannas are sinking in.

The gotta-gottas are making me feel guilty for having the Dunwannas and I have them worse because of it.

I managed to bork my wrists before I began today and yeah. Crawling back into bed is looking like a valid choice.

I soldier on. I try to

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Wednesday, Wordpress and other things

I'm going to add a completion counter to the fanficcy variant of A Devil's Tale that I'm posting today. Needs to happen.

So I can have rants or samples ready for the next one after I run out of fic to post. So my readers know how much remains. So anyone coming in knows exactly how far I'll take an idea before a novel takes over.

So I can be fair to the peeps following my silly little story.

And just maybe

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Wednesday, Worpress and Date PLNs

I'm still dribbling sentences into Chapter 261 where the happy happy fun times begin.

Turns out writing smut is a skill I need to rekindle after years of letting it atrophy. Once I get back into the -haha- swing of things, I'm sure I'll take off into writing two chapters a day again.

Or near enough to it.

I have little idea of WTF I might be doing tonight. Maybe bath snacks and reading to my lovely. Keep it cheap since we

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