real life

A 3156-post collection

Saturday, Exhaustion Points

I made it through parkrun. Yay. My heel still hates me. Boo. I needed a nap after I got home because irrevocably awake at 2AM. Fun times.

Nap done with, I am disinclined to leave my bed again, so all my offerings come from my laptop to you. Anything else deemed unnecessary will wait until tomorrow. Possibly, tomorrow afternoon.

Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is still kicking my butt, so I may have to leave my little sanctuary just to put myself on the nebuliser. I'm hoping a decent rest will help me feel better.

And RiverFire is on next week! I hope to have some social time with the QPP, but may have to juggle getting Chaos home in the between times. Juggling moments has been my life of late.

We're working on it.

Friday, Temporal Issues

I have been a busy busy bean, lately. So much of my time has been eaten with other needs. Yesterday and today, I had a late delivery of Mayhem to Maroochydore. Yesterday, I also had a series of fetch quests. Today... I decided to take it easy.

It was nice, but I still had to reheat my breakfast.

Tomorrow is parkrun. Sunday morning is game morning. Monday's when I'm supposed to post my Patreon stuff.

This coming Tuesday is going to be

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Thursday, Really Running Late

I was up at 4AM to do bread. Which is now baked and on the cooling rack. Yesterday's loaf is safe in its paper wrapping and tomorrow, I wrap the second one. Yay.

Pretty much immediately after that, I had to ferry Mayhem off to work. And after that, I went on a series of fetch quests. I got the remote for MeMum, a blackhead tool, a mouthguard to protect my teeth from grinding in my sleep, and some tech tools for

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Wednesday, Run-Around and Forget-A-Lot

I wuzgunna post my Patreon shit on Monday, and then I forgot. I wuzgunna catch up, yesterday. Then I forgot. I hope to get my Patreon stuff posted today.


  • I'm driving Mayhem to work, all things being good
  • I need to do a grocery run
  • I have a dentist's appointment
  • And terribad asthma
  • AND I'm baking bread today

I have over-extended so everything offering-oriented will be happening at a weird pace.

I'm doing my stretchies and will post this blog after

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Tuesday, Bread and Embuggerances

I was almost home from dropping Mayhem off in the far north worklands when I got a phone call. He actually had today off. Whee fun. So I had to pause my bread process [Wilson was growing in the incubator] and turn around to go and fetch the lad.

Good news - I can now not worry about bread timing.
Bad news - I'll still have to do that tomorrow

And I still gotta restock on a few things. They're a very

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Monday, Unriddling Sickness, and shopping PLNs

Mayhem's certain that there's something in his room making him sick, so he's spending his sick days eliminating causes. Starting with the collections of fast food containers that have been breeding in dark corners.

I also suggested air circulation might help, so we're seeing how well that goes.

Meanwhile, I am still having Bad Air Days and that sucks. I also have to do some shopping, which will probably happen tomorrow. With all good luck, my stream will be occurring in time.

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Sunday, Footsore and Weary

I can not wait to get my foot seen to. No matter what I do, it hurts. I'm trying to maintain it and keep off it, but walking is becoming more than painful.

I might need to appeal for help from Beloved, but I'm trying to hold that off for as long as possible.

I can drive. I can sit and write. Walking around? I limp. I'm slow. It hurts. The maintenance routine doesn't do a lot to ease their symptoms.


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Saturday, Parkrun and Sleepless PLNs

My left foot hates me. My right knee decided to complain about its lot in life. I am having a series of bad air days. I am a very tired bean and most of my energy is going on breathing.

My focus is to get my offerings out there and then go catch some sleep.

With luck and fortune, I'll be able to run the game in the wee small tomorrow morning. I'll warn my players before I get going on the

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Friday, Appointments Made!

I finally tracked down all the doctors and have appointments to go place and do thing. Yay.

I'm going to get my heel seen to at about the same time that I'll be due to publish my All Hallow's Read story. Or at least commence on that nonsense.

I'm also seeing another medico about special meds at about the same time that I find out whether or not Agent #3 likes my nonsense. Synchronicity be weird around here.

I really need to

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Thursday, Spinning Wheels

I have to track down quacks, and today's a good day for it. Fingers crossed I don't get lost in the shuffle this time.

I'll be doing that between videos I have in the background for attempted focus assistance.

I actually managed to draw Kosh in his sleepwear, and then accidentally posted it twice. First post spent five-ever uploading and I thought it was borked because I couldn't find it anywhere. So I posted it again and cancelled the first one. Or

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Wednesday, Writer's Rant and Shenanigans

Mayhem's entered negotiation to have two days off a week, in which to decompress, fill out his Learners, and otherwise have a life.

The sooner he's transportationally free, the better things will be.

For all of us. I'll have some freedom back, I'll have what passes for my social life back. I'll be able to run long-range errands again.

But that's a little bit away from now. Whatever days we get, I'll rearange my life accordingly. I'd like to have Tuesdays and

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Tuesday, Everything is Sideways

It's afternoon and I have barely started my nonsense for the day. Things that interrupted today's process are:

  1. A late night leading to a late start
  2. Driving Mayhem to work
  3. The cats
  4. Dinner creation

So now I'm doing what I can to get to completing my offerings before other stuff has to happen.

If I can focus long enough to do that.

Also, I may be getting a call from some maybe-scammers at some point. I need every luck I can get.

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Monday. No stream today because death cough

I'm not dying, I'm just doing a very good impersonation of the last act of Camille or Carmen Buranda. I'm currently taking a dose on Max and I need to go shopping because the cats need more food.

Fun times ahead.

I thought I had more cat food than I do, so it's an emergency run for assorted things. So there's a significant chance I won't be back before stream time. Which is why no stream today.

I may do stream tomorrow.

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Sunday, Stream and Games

Ran a game in the wee small hours of this morning. Due to be running in a game sometime after darkness has crawled over the land.

I've had a really good long rest, I somehow acquired a cyclone headache. I took my painkillers, and I'm still waiting for them to kick in.

So the offerings shall occur, and I hope to heck that I do them quick enough to have fun in between now and then.

Onwards to the nonsense.

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Saturday, No Parkrun and Continuing Embuggerances

I don't know how to get the pi-hole software onto the hardware, my heel hates me, and I'm creeping ever closer to maybe needing a fifth dang GoogDoc.

Time will tell about that.

Stencyl won't let me progress until there's an update, so now I'm keeping tabs on the updates page to see when they enact their jiggery-pokery. Huzzah.

I've finished a fnart piece for an artist on Tumblr, and I only hope my efforts don't insult them. So far... radio silence.

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