I Need Money

A 27-post collection

Grrrr... fargnax...

OK so I was so eager to have money again that my mental calendar flipped ahead by an entire week. Which means I pretty much have to keep my head in for ANOTHER week.

We have loads of stuff to eat, so it's cool. What's not cool is not having options. Like... "Meh, I don't feel like cooking, let's have Pizza/HJ's/Maccas/RandoTakeoutPlace" kind of options.

What's also not cool is that the freezer needs a defrost and, despite our best efforts, the fridge isn't refrigerating.

New whitegoods cost four figures. Meanwhile, we need to keep our food fresh. Ugh.

The water needs paying for. The bills are swarming. I have to pay for books and shoes and socks and undies and water bottles and hats.

And it looks like Beloved is shaping up to go full Indie any day now. I don't know how we're going to deal with this on Indie wages. I feel that I have no marketable skills and I'm just writing because it's the only trick I've got. And nobody's paying for any of it.

I feel useless.

If I could just sell something regularly. If I could just do something people wanted to pay for. If I could just... have the income I need to afford these things...

There are people so rich that the equivalent expenditure of a can of fizzy drink would settle all of our bills for five years. They wouldn't even notice that that much money was gone. But I'd be grateful for the rest of my life for that much peace of mind.

But rich people aren't that generous. They got and stayed rich by hanging onto whatever they had and not letting go. So I don't even have that much hope.

Please donate. I need a lot of filthy lucre. Oodles of it.

Payday! Time to get broke

It's the payday just before school, so today will be full of shoes, socks and jocks. Water bottles and hats. And hoping that Officeworks will have the shiznit we need in time.

I have some money squirreled away, just in case. I hope it won't be necessary, though.

Today's big challenge will be keeping the kids awake all day. They've got used to the old siesta and school won't let you take a napnap. The barbarians.

With luck, we should have everything

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Very much broke again

(Argh) Christmas gift shopping happened. It's a very cheap year, this year. For limited definitions of "cheap". Beloved secured Mayhem's gift at quite some expense, and since we have an "equal worth" policy going on, Chaos may yet have some catching up to do.

We might not be able to do that, this year. Ah well.

And, as previously noted in this blog, all the adults are getting artisinal herb products in a pretty little gift basket, this year. I feel kind

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Incoming Adventures in Tech Support

It's a long weekend for my little darlings, so Beloved is planning on taking them for an adventure to the ocean, the second-deadliest thing about Australia. The first-deadliest is, of course, Australia itself.

Meanwhile, I'm doing something a little more risky.

Tech support for MeMum.

Her old computer has gone to silicone heaven [I plan on taking it home to see if it's really, most sincerely dead] and she now has spanking new compy that will not get online and probably has

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We're muddling...

We're scraping by. We're pulling our heads in...

And managing to maintain the little treats that keep us sane.

Of course, it's a struggle that would be made easier by some funding by you, dear reader, but we're managing.

I kind of feel like we're dangling over a precipice by my fingernails, but that's probably me.

The big needs are waiting for another pay cycle. The Wants are in stasis. Not coming to fruition for the foreseeable future.

And I'm in a

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I need a Paypal Donate button

::Strums off-key guitar like I know what I'm doing but I clearly do not:: Yeah, got the, outta money for four days, can't do jack about it bluuuuuuuuueeeeeeees... (Ga-thunk, ga-thunk, ga-thunk, abowm-bowm...)

Don't worry, dear readers. We have enough stores to weather the thin patch. It's going to be a can of arseholes and a sack of armpits to deal with, but... we've dealt with worse.

Try being out of cash for a week, sometime.

Sigh. Times are tough.

I need new

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T'reka stood, arms akimbo and wing-feathers out, as the supervising technician made certain all of her straps were on correctly and...

T'reka stood, arms akimbo and wing-feathers out, as the supervising technician made certain all of her straps were on correctly and snugly.

“Remember, DO NOT FLAP,” the technician reminded her above the engine noise of the Flight Machine. “This pack has its own glider-wings, and any flapping on your part will disrupt the steering mechanisms and put you in the ocean!”

“Understood!” T'reka chirped.

“We’re going to drop you in five.”


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Novlr is now in open beta just in time for NaNoWriMo

And they’re offering permanent memberships for “just” $100.

I don’t have enough to afford to scratch my butt.

Please, please, please, dear readers, put a little money in my paypal so I can afford a lifetime membership. [I have no idea how to link to a paypal “give me money” thing (help!) so my paypal email is nutty@internutter.org  Thank you for not abusing this email

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For sale now at Smashwords! There was a stall selling icons, on the way back to her home/farm. Most of them were of the Saviour doing...

For sale now at Smashwords!

There was a stall selling icons, on the way back to her home/farm. Most of them were of the Saviour doing miraculous things. Calling down yellow rain on the Tu'att. Making the walls bleed. All the miracles that had happened both before and after the Othersiders came.

One stood out.

The Saviour blessing a little girl in a gold sheath. Pointing to the angel of death and making that angel shrink away.


The way

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Coming very soon to my Smashwords Profile: One Year of Instants. Three hundred and sixty-five stories, all prompted by readers of my blog....

Coming very soon to my Smashwords Profile:

One Year of Instants.

Three hundred and sixty-five stories, all prompted by readers of my blog. Now in an easy-to-access format where you don’t have to plough through my archives.


Yeah. Ultimate power. What’s not to love?

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