
A 8-post collection

Challenge #04147-K129: Eldritch Intimacy

A: Hey bard have you seen my Necronomicon?

B: right here. It’s was an interesting read.

A: You read it? The Necronomicon?

B: Yes, I found some wonderful inspiration inside. Shall I ordain you a tune? -- Anon Guest

[AN: Link to the video includes rude language, sexual language, and the generic horny bard. Dead dove, do not eat]

Certain tomes should not exist. Some should never have been penned. Some are loaded weapons, waiting to kill again. In these cases, the pen certainly was mightier than the sword.

The pen, or the brush made with intelligent creatures' hair, or the stylus made of finger bones...

Everyone thinks such books are bound in Human skin. Human skin makes absolutely terrible binding leather. Those in favour of such nonsense much prefer the thicker skins of Hellkin, Drakkonbred, Dragons, and so on. Every evil tome seems to be bound in the hide of an intelligent creature, but that's not what makes them evil. There's a very rare few that consume an unwary reader.

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Challenge #04093-K075: Three Little Words

The man has recovered and is traveling with his two Pax Humanis friends. It's surprising how many jobs one can get with these two lovelies at one's side. Sure the jobs are dangerous, but yanno, this is kinda fun. -- Anon Guest

Ren eventually named them the Dangerous Beef Trio. He'd worked on his physique before the meet cute incident; primarily to look good and scare off the wrong kind of people. Now he worked on

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Challenge #03868-J216: Live With Me?

Jay proposes marriage to Lilicoon? -- Anon Guest

"Independent living kind of terrifies me," she confessed, crochetting yet another square for community purposes. It was a form of therapy for her newer hands that had become a kind of nervous habit. "I know there's a community surrounding me, and people coming by to help, but... not having anyone there? With me? It sounds... lonely."

"I could cohabit? It'd mean an on-duty guard or... you could come to the sanctuary world. I'm okay

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Challenge #03689-J036: Three in the Family

A: love is a 5 letter word

B & C: …what?

A: because it’s incomplete without you <3

B: …loveu?

A: no

C: louve?

A: stop it -- Anon Guest

"Ulove?" suggested Beau.

"I was trying," huffed Ali, "to flirt with the both of you. But if you have no intention of being cool about it..."

"Aw," sighed Cair. "I didn't mean it. I was trying to figure how it worked?" She was the word nerd who spent most of

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Challenge #03216-H307: Just Sort it Out

A good friend of mine invited me over for a drink, didn’t think it would be relationship advice. “More than friends, less than lovers? More than anything it sounds like you two are too f[FORNICATION] tsundere over your emotions.” -- Anon Guest

[AN: Edited the prompt because too many asterisks in a row messes with things]

"Tsundere? Me? Really?"

"You did just say you wanted to punch hir pretty little face in. And then kiss it. That's pretty tsundere." Tuz

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Challenge #02701-G144: Unhealthy Social Strategies

Human Sean has invited me to drink with him, and to talk about his woes. After a few bottles he spilled what’s been on his mind. “my friend is three-timing”. I was shocked, I learned that humans were monogamous, of course falling in love with another is not all that surprising, but three?! In that moment I asked “do their partners knows about this?” Sean finished the bottle a new bottle before answering.”they do, and they confessed that that have

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Challenge #01506-D045: One Depressing Interlude in a Cosy Home

"Once it was proposed to me that it was all right to be like I am, I finally quit apologizing for it." - Carrie Fisher -- RecklessPrudence

Ami collapsed into her comfort nook. "If anyone wants me, I'm no longer in existence."

Tam sighed and put down her project in her mini-workshop. "Bad day at the office?"

"'s a wonderful day for the creative spirit," Ami mumbled. She curled up tighter on herself and turned on the tiny lights that turned her

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Challenge #01152-C055: Different Hats


Grad student is a villain for extra credit and/or money

2) Wander over Yonder - adventures of The Hat when Wander first gets it

(haven't seen it? episodes The Hat and Bad Hatter are the relevant ones, or do a story about Sans and a little orange cat) -- Anon Guest

[AN: Ya know, I could do three... my workload has eased up just recently. But not today, I think. BTW, the overlap

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