
A 5-post collection

Challenge #04190-K172: Balanced Out

A person with a really strong good luck gene keeps asking questions like "How bad could it possibly be?". And saying things like "Things could never get any worse" just to try to tempt fate. -- Fighting Fit

There is balance in the universe. For every death, there is life. For every darkness, there is a light. For every fortune, there is poverty. And for every good, there is something bad.

The forces of nature are said to dislike certain things, like a vaccuum. The deities apparently love fools. They made so many of them, after all.

What the Universe hates is people who say things like, "It can't get any worse," or, "What could go wrong?" Evidence suggests that the Universe will provide an answer. And for every misfortune, there is good luck.

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Challenge #04034-K016: Balanced Beloved

I've a powerful case of good luck, my poor spouse has a severe case of bad luck. Together, we balance each other out and have a good, if not always peaceful, life. -- The New Guy

Do you know what a Lucker is? I bet a lot of people think it's the people who have insanely good luck. The people who have the cheat codes to the universe, if you will. It's not always that way. There are those who have good

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Challenge #03385-I097: A Momentous Occasion

The weather is cold, freezing rain creates ice as it falls, an aged scholar and their young apprentice invite in the traveling Wraithvine, Amatu, Vee, Pondermoore and Rawr to come into their abode for the night. They offer hospitality, warm beds, food, and the scholar's large library to read through while waiting out the ice storm. -- Anon Guest

The library of Vaseen had seen better days. Wraithvine remembered it as an immense fortress of knowledge, the larger part of it was

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Challenge #03384-I096: Evening the Scores

They have been "brat" their entire life. Or, when called to with less harsh tones, "brainless". They were intelligent, they tried to be kind, but always the same cruel words. As they wandered the world they met a band a travelers who helped them find a new name, and took the traveler into their arms, helping heal a broken spirit. -- Fighting Fit

There are houses with too many children. Spaces too small for the people occupying them. Nevertheless, those spaces can

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Challenge #01482-D021: All the Luck

“If my life wasn’t funny, it would just be true, and that is unacceptable” - Carrie Fisher -- RecklessPrudence

Kyle was a Lucker. One of the unfortunate few with the Luck gene. His bad luck was everyone's good, and vice versa. His 'range' was five Standard Distance Units, or he would be isolated on a small station just big enough for one. The universe, it seemed, liked balance.

Fortunately for Kyle, he had found an 'out'. He moonlighted as a stand-up

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