The government today announced that it is changing its national symbol to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government’s political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actualy being screwed.
Read more »TARP quick to bail out banks, slow with homeowners.
Yet another reason to be pissed off with the system.
Read more »Put basically: If they’re offering it to plebes like you, the bubble is about to burst.
There are numerous economic bubbles in past and present. The stock bubble. The internet bubble. The housing bubble. The quantum chocolate bubble. Okay, I just wish there was a quantum chocolate bubble…
The point is, bubbles are just like pyramid schemes. Sooner or later, they’re going to run out of people to sell it to and the whole shebang is going
Read more »I'm assuming Anonymous already has plans...
There’s an instruction manual containing words that can get anyone who uses them on a terrorist watch list just for using them online.
Lots of them can be used in completely innocent ways. For instance: telling all the folks in InternetLand all the words that you’re not allowed to use any more.
How long, folks, before there’s an online competition to use as many of these words as humanly possible
Read more »…and possibly take most of the world with it.
Just because I haven’t been contributing to the OWS threads, lately, doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping track of things.
One thing I’ve learned from the patterns of history is this: If a nation does not stop itself from an impending fall, it will plummet all the way to the bottom and then some. Especially if it’s been warned by everybody and
Read more »Read more »Bank of America Gets Foreclosed
Bank of America has little patience for homeowners who have fallen on hard times and behind on their mortgages. The lending giant is in the midst of foreclosure battles in every state as well as defending against allegations that they engaged in fraud and misrepresentation during the foreclosure process.
Given all the increased scrutiny you would think the bank would be extra diligent before pursuing homeowners in court. Think again.
First the mega-bank wrongfully foreclosed on
So I just had one of those brain farts that can only cause trouble and decided to share. I’m that special ;)
Start a kickstarter project in the US to buy the next president.
Obviously, it has to be long term. Like 2016 type long term. Y'know, since this year is leaving it a little too late to fund a president.
The whole goal is to bring back a government by the people, for the people and of the people by
Read more »I figured it out, while watching Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood. The thing about most available media is the inherent advertising. Commercial breaks. The incidental advertising, the brand of the icons the media provides.
Thing is, ever since we started getting our media through torrents [mostly because we can’t get the media where we are] we aren’t as exposed to the commercials as everyone else.
All torrented shows clip the adverts.
The kids don’t know
Read more »Spotted this on Twitter and had to share it here. Created by Mark Miller (@Gonzoville).
It would read:
One people
One planet
One chance to change
For the better
Pay attention 1%!
I don’t suppose anyone would like to carry my idea in a march?
Read more »This is another one of those “primary ingredient plus whatever you have lying around” recipes. Again, it’s just a few ingredients away from being a stew.
You will need these tools:
1 big pot
1 ladle or spoon for stirring
1 handy heat source like a cooktop
You will need these ingredients:
about 500g mince of your choice
sauces/flavour/herbs/spices to taste
thickening or noodles optional
half-fill your pot with water and set
Read more »This one’s for the busy people. Slow cookers are handy little gadgets that allow one to, say, set up a pot roast before you leave for work.
Everything I cook in my slow cooker always ends up as Glop
You will need these tools:
1 slow cooker
1 thing to make it go
1 thing to serve/stir
1 method of cooking rice
You will need these ingredients:
500g protein of your choice, preferably in bite-sized chunks
1-2 jars of
This is another one of those “scratch” recipes, in which you scratch together whatever you have going and put it in a pot.
You will need these tools:
1 big pot
1 handy heat source, like a cooktop
1 big spoon/ladle
1 knife or other means of chopping things
You will need these ingredients:
The quantity of these is up to you. Optional extras include: soup mix, rice, potatoes/potato powder, and
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