-The Pagan pentacle is a protection symbol
-Halloween began Pagan and was sort of taken and altered by numerous religious, one being Christianity, and went from a day where spirits could come to visit (also the end/start of the year) to a day to chase spirits away
-“Satanism” =/= Cults. Satanism was created by people in Christian societies who didn’t agree with the “giving” lifestyle. Satanism is about putting yourself first, respecting yourself and others, and being kind to yourself and others
-Satanism is the only religious group to state that you should never engage in intimate acts without full consent from all parties involved
-The “iconic” Bindis of Hindu faith, commonly thought of as simple red dots between the eyebrows of Hindu women, represent the guidance and protection of the Third Eye
-Most Hindu women (~60%) think of a Bindi just as tradition and cannot say what it’s real meaning is, mainly because they started being sold worldwide as small, colorful stickers in huge varieties of shapes, usually bejewelled, and are worn more as a traditional accessory
-Buddha was actually very skinny from fasting, not fat as we tend to view him
-Blackfoot natives believe the earth was created by the sun, and we are his children
-Jesus and his disciples, in Christianity, were in fact not Christian
-Jewish people are still not Christian despite being the homeland of the Christian bible
-The upside-down cross, hated by most Christians for being “evil,” is actually St. Peter’s cross, from Catholicism (the root of Christianity)
-The Satanic cross is a sideways infinity 8 with a stem coming up in the center, and it has two lines just above the 8, the upper one being shorter than the lower
-Christianity states that women can/are to be sold to a man who rapes them
-Muslim religion states that women are not allowed to dance or otherwise perform
-Muslim women have multiple styles of dress- the best-known hijab, a simple square scarf wrapped around the head; the burka, a full-body cover with a mesh patch over the face for vision; the shayla, a long rectangular scarf drped or pinned around the head and over the shoulders; the niqab, which covers the face and head except for the eyes; the al-amira, a close-fitting cap paired with a veil; the khimar, a long veil that covers head and hair and reaches almost to the waist while leaving the face clear; and the chador, a full-body cloak
-Muslim women wear these by choice outside of the Middle East
-Christianity asked people to practice privately- though they were to educate as much as possible, they were not to force it on others or put it in their face
-Jesus spent his days with the poor, homeless, thieving, or otherwise less fortunate/sinful people, rather than the well-off and pure
lb-lee: littlemisslulubelle: popthirdworld: This comic was a frikking epic to put together. Like my FB page for more! And share it to...
Read more »This comic was a frikking epic to put together. Like my FB page for more! And share it to your FB buddies!
Exactly man….
This is actually a common trick in all sick systems—dysfunctional workplaces, abusive relationships, fucked up families, etc. The idea is, if you keep someone distracted, tired, and overworked enough, they won’t have enough energy to turn on you. For example, Andy Blake had a habit of depriving his followers of sleep—keeping them

radicalrebellion: dionthesocialist: You love a teacher when they're hiding your children from a crazed gunman in Newtown and getting shot...
You love a teacher when they’re hiding your children from a crazed gunman in Newtown and getting shot while protecting them. You adore educators when they’re using their body to shield your kids from a falling wall in the middle of a tornado in Oklahoma.
But let that teacher have the nerve to ask for job security or reasonable pay or a manageable workload and all of a sudden we’re lazy union thugs.
Dear America,
If you
Read more »iamnkoli: eccentric-central: nefermaathotep: theignorantparadox: only 6 notes tho -_- ignorance is bliss I absolutely love this. It's...
only 6 notes tho -_-
ignorance is bliss
I absolutely love this. It’s real. It’s a simple cartoon that explains the truth.
The things that Black people (or any minority) have tend to get “whitened.”
Very few notes, because only some very bold white people would actually reblog.
Yes, learning about this right now in my global societies class.

America is going to eat itself
…and possibly take most of the world with it.
Just because I haven’t been contributing to the OWS threads, lately, doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping track of things.
One thing I’ve learned from the patterns of history is this: If a nation does not stop itself from an impending fall, it will plummet all the way to the bottom and then some. Especially if it’s been warned by everybody and
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