
A 22-post collection

Almost Unfucked

The double volume of the new, bigger skip has eaten the rubbish from the carport, the rubbish from the patio, and the dead trampoline that managed to break our reciprocating saw.

There's still a few specks of scrattle from the carport. Specks that are a meter by two meters of plate metal and weigh more than I can lift...

They're specks compared to the sheer, enormous volume of the other shit, okay?

In other news: I have a new game to occupy my time and frustration. Fortnite. We're on the early access train, so it's currently buggier than a backyard barbie. But it involves resource gathering, fortification building, and fighting off hordes of zombies. Therefore it's right up my alley.

The gun mechanic is cool with the recoil and having to re-aim and is both annoying [because I'm not witch gamer] and so lovingly realistic that I have to give props.

On the other hand, you can conjure walls, floors, ceilings and doors by editing shit like it ain't no thing. The computers and props are delightfully cartoony and you can literally smash your way through the local 7-11.

The downside? It's network play and the only server appears to be a 1970-something Apple Mac II in Eastern Kraplaqistan. At least that's my best guess based entirely on the number of times the game crashed due to connection issues.

I wish there was a Solo/Offline mode where you could just freebuild [and free smash lol] and make yourself a gigantic, cobbled-together medieval fort that just autopwns everything in a 50-mile radius and you can stand watch in your tower and just firkin laugh.

But that's probably not the goal of the game.

Challenge #01527-D066: Virtual Friend

'Sixty-two years old, and you find a kindred spirit in a block of programming,' they thought wryly, shaking their head. -- RecklessPrudence

It hadn't started that way, of course. Her grandchildren had got her into the video games. Things had gone a long way since the Space Invaders. There was no more coin in the slot or press A to start, to begin with. She could play by typing on the keyboard, and the machine code understood her and responded.


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What has two thumbs and a copy of Steamworld Heist?

::Points both thumbs at self::

Yup. Me!

I got Beloved to help me tweak my 3DS's internet settings. Then I immediately purchased the game I've been waiting for ever since Steam Powered Giraffe and Image and Form games announced the collab they were working on.

...and then I spent a majority of my morning lying in bed and enjoying the heck out of it.

The music is fantastic (of course). The gameplay mechanic takes all the annoying things about shooter games out

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Participate in a Survey About Gender Diversity in Video Games

Participate in a Survey About Gender Diversity in Video Games







The <title> of this page is "Do Consumers Want More Women In Video Games?" The results of this survey will be presented at GDC15, so let's tell 'em a resounding "FUCK YEAH!"

Please reblog!



fucking tumblr bomb this shit

Especially important to tumblr bomb this because Escapist Magazine is one of the places GamerGate has successfully intimidated into trying

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fuchsiamae: didyouknowgaming: Gamers. #loudly yells 'THE STEREOTYPE ABOUT TEENAGE BOYS...





Thank you!

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Slowly Getting There

I took an actual day off, today. Well, most of a day off.

Possibly 50% of a day off.

Because a Mum’s work is never done. I can’t have a complete day off.

The dog got out and I had to go catch him. Invisible fences are looking increasingly attractive right now.

And I spent the afternoon teaching Mayhem (my eldest) that playing with the dog is fun.

That was exhausting. But fun.

But I didn’t

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