
A 4-post collection

Challenge #03805-J153: Got 'Em!

Power goes out, kids are whining about having nothing to do. And whine even louder when the parental says, "Well, at least we have books." -- Anon Guest

Rennie took three deep breaths as Kody and Vince continued their howling. Of course, being forced to do reading was tantamount to homework and therefore the worst torture in the world.

"The other option is housework," said Rennie, immediately calming the boys down about their immediate future. "We can make it fun."

Kody and Vince looked suspicious of hir claims.

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Challenge #03721-J068: Uncertain Failure Point

A Deregger world decides that literacy is the ultimate in keeping the populace in their place. Those that struggle to learn to read are segregated and given the WORST, most dangerous, the most horrific, jobs in the entire world. The CEO's learn quickly an educated population doesn't like being treated that way. The CEO's learn their own lessons, too late. The CRC, thinks teaching the populace to read was a FANTASTIC idea! -- DaniAndShali

Teach them to read so the CRC stays

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Challenge #03664-J011: Any Rogue With a Pencil

Una familia se acerca a Wraithvine y le pide el don... de la alfabetización. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Translated from Spanish by DuckDuckGo: A family approaches Wraithvine and asks for the gift... of literacy.]

"Of course I can teach," said Wraithvine. Ze would begin with the Trader Tongue, since it was literally everywhere and understood by most, if not all, intelligent creatures. It would do them the most good in the least amount of time. Ze would also take hir time to

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An announcement

Firstly, I would like to thank Neil Gaiman for the idea that wound its way into my head and did what ideas do best: mutate into near cthulu-esque proportions.

See, the kind and apparently flamingo-like Mr Gaiman came up with/publicised All Hallows Read, an event in which people who celebrate Halloween [and even those who choose not to] can give away a spooky book to friends, family or complete strangers.

So I wrote a completely new story. From go to whoa,

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