
A 3-post collection

Sunday, Stream Stuff and Sleeps

I have done my stretchies, I have DM'd a session. I am about to commence my story stream. After I've done my instant fiction, I shall get some nap time in because this is pretty tiring no matter what I do.

That second cup of coffee is wearing off and I shall definitely need a napnap before posting.

Offerings shall be out in the open some time after I wake up.

Tomorrow, I brave the zombie hordes of Crimbo Shopping to get a few other things I missed the last time. It's tiring to shop during the festive season. least we never have to stress about Thanksgiving.

Monday, Foundry Reads, Prepping

I have put some laundry on with an aim towards having clean clothes for the upcoming trip. Oooh look at me being all organised and stuff.

Thanks to plane tickets, the budget is SUPER tight and will remain so for some time. AND I have an upcoming license fee that I near forgot about AND we need more income because everything expensive.

Well. Since I'm waiting on ideas care of Beloved hearing some intervening chapters, I shall have the time to work

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Challenge #03747-J094: Roughing It

A long time ago, an experiment in making antimagic fields exploded contaminating a large area of the forest. The forest healed, the magic did not. Any magic user traveling through will find, in the days of being in that forest, they cannot use their magic. -- Anon Guest

War has been with the world since one intelligent being looked at another and decided to throw a rock. Or a sharp stick. The records are non-existent. War ruins many things, and they can

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