
A 6-post collection

Challenge #04222-K204: Responsibility in Action

The right thing to do... that's... sometimes hard. I've an entire city of badly infected people. If even one individual gets out, the surrounding countryside will be in immense danger. But if I keep them trapped here, I'm removing their freedom, and treating them like prisoners. What do I do? -- Anon Guest

The plague had come to Lessermont. The local healers had caught it before the merchants who brought it could move out, and the local Lord was wise enough to close the city down. All gates out were shut and locked with the Lord's key. Patrols along the gate were doubled, and orders given to never let anyone out of the city.

No exceptions.

Lord Mariaster explained it in a way that Arrin Gudshild would never forget. "Certainly," m'lord said, "you may be offered more money than you have ever seen. It may be tempting. I know it will be tempting. You will have more money than a lord, and could pay for a whole new life. But what will you pay the widows and orphans you make by letting one entitled body with money out of the city? How many deaths will weigh your soul down when you go to judgement before the Dread Daughter[1]? It won't be worth any gold then."

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Challenge #03829-J177: A Bird Named Enza

All the magic users in a town are down with the sniffles. The stronger the magic, the worse they feel. Alas, even viruses can be magical. In this case, it's just another type of cold. People'll survive, it's just not comfortable. -- Anon Guest

The most common name for it was the Faekindred Flu since first it effected those whose ancestry hailed from Nanogh, the plane of magic. The local Hellkin and Hallobloods were also struck down, but prejudice rendered them less

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Challenge #03298-I010: Gezundheit

Warning to all pirates! Do NOT mess with a human child's teddy bear! -- Lessons

Midshipman Hayk had been sent to pacify the Human Larvae. It was a simple job, or so Captain Staaz had claimed. They couldn't possibly flakk it up, he said. They were helpless infants. What could they even do?

The universe has ways of answering questions like that.

The Human Larvae present seemed to be harmless. Most of them were asleep on mats. The ones that were active

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Challenge #02660-G103: Minimising All Possible Harm

"Don't fix what's not broken."

"If it's not broken, you haven't tested it enough." -- SilverRey

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
If it isn't broken, test it some more. -- Conflicting Human Axioms.

Some things need fixing before they break. Emergency services anticipate even the ridiculous emergencies so that they can be ready before they happen. This has lead to the 'zombie plague' and 'black hole' plans in the emergency systems all over Alliance space.

Zombie Plague has been on

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Challenge #02564-G007: Determination and Caffeine

A planet with a mix of deathworlders and havenworlders, one of the few planets to have such a mixed colony, is struck by an unusual virus. For the havenworlders, it's painful, it makes them very, very sick, but it is survivable, mostly. Though there have been casualties and other side-effects. For the deathworlders, it's just as painful, but worse, the virus is mostly fatal if contracted. And the survivors are usually in very bad shape. The disease is also, unfortunately, extremely contagious

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Challenge #02206-F0165: Microscopic Passengers

The Aliens in Board learn that one of the Human-Crewmembers has Herpes.

Fact: More than 3.7 Billion People have it. XD -- Anon Guest

"It's my duty to inform my captain and crew that I have a class two plague known as Herpes. I'm on a permanent course of antivirals to prevent its propagation."

Captain Gorthax, mildly alarmed, consulted the free infonets and read, GalStand Medical Primer for Newcomers: Subheading - Plague Disease Classes and resulting mis-assumptions.

Like most numeric classifications,

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