Thursday, Game Night and Cuddles

I have my Beloved for another evening, this week. I am making myself either one or many dinners with the slow cooker. I've got some pork tongues slowly stewing with the following:

  • Probably about a litre of cheap white vinegar [I measured all this with my heart]
  • About 2 tbsp powdered ginger
  • A pinch of whole peppercorns
  • A generous pinch of salt
  • 5 whole cloves
  • About 2 tbsp cinnamon
  • 2 granny smith apples, finely sliced
  • 2 litres of water

I had it on low until they thawed and I just put it on high so they'll be easy to de-skin. From there, it'll be turning them into pork mince1, adding veggies and extra sauce, and then enjoying the result.

Further PLNs involve more readings, another chapter summary, tweaking the Stencyl work that worked, and the usual offerings of the day.

...I also happen to be in the midst of correcting a massive error in one of my fun fics, so there's that too.

My theme song for today is Queen's I'm Going Slightly Mad.

Off up the walls I go. Whee!

  1. It's also a good idea to fish out the peppercorns and cloves before this point. They have done their job.