
A 22-post collection

Diets and food bribery do not mix

I haven’t mentioned anything about how my diet’s been going, lately. And most of that is because it’s been going badly.

One reason for this is: Hubby’s a bit of a feeder.

He loves to give me good, tasty food when I’m down in the dumps - and that’s been a lot, lately. He treats me with delicious things often full of cream, sugar or cheese. all the delightfully sweet or tasty things that I can’t resist.

And I’ve been packing it on.

I got back up above 90.5 just a few days ago, and I’m repeatedly hovering around 89 point somethingorother.

And yesterday, we discovered that Messieurs Ben and Jerry had extended their range to sunburned Burpengary. One tub of sinfully delicious caramel-infused creamy confection later, and it’s a miracle that I’m still marginally under ninety kilos.

Hubby also likes to treat me to the mushroom burger at HJ’s [that’s Hungry Jacks, the Aussie answer to Burger King] which, though it contains lovely mushrooms and swiss cheese, also contains two meat patties - a vehicle for extra cheese. I always gain weight after eating these things. I’ve nicknamed them the Fatty Burger.

But they’re SOOOOOO delicious.

Hubby buys bikkies and lollies with alarming regularity. And shares.

It is an act of supreme will to turn down treats when someone busily nomming them is also waving the bag at you.

I might discuss putting his treat-food budget in a jar, every time he wants to buy me fattening food. It might mount up to a new mac.


That’s my weight, today[2nd Feb].

That’s my stumbling block.

Three times, I’ve got down to 91.9 only to yo-yo back up to the next kilo bracket. since I spend a week working off roughly a kilo, I watch those decimals like a hawk. Getting down into the next “kilo zone” is fast becoming an obsession.

Better make certain it’s not a dangerous one, then.

And in the Antiprogress side of

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Up and down...

I’m back down to 92.4, today. I did it by not eating very much, and yet, I also didn’t eat very much of anything that’s good for me.

I doubt I’m going to make it to 80 kilos subsisting solely on peanut-honey sandwiches, as I have been yesterday. [FYI: You mix almost-equal portions of honey and peanut paste/butter together and spread the results on a sandwich. Tasty and filling.]

I really should

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I'm up to 94 kilos :(

I successfully got down to 92.5 kilos. Shortly before it rained.

Now that it’s raining, walking the dog is out, and sitting on my behind and trying to stay warm is in. This is why I’m back up to 94.

What I need to do is get my fattening arse up on my exercise bike and pedal ‘till my legs fall off.

Not happening today, probably. Life is busy getting in the way.

Flooding rains, kids,

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One more kilo

Including the standard daily wobble, I’m losing roughly a kilo a week. That’s progress of a sort. I did have an alarming jump of more than a kilo upwards, but I’m back down again.

Not by the kilo and a bit I gained, of course.

Weight is easier to gain than drop. Everyone should know that.

The slow diet is working. Exercise, chia and determination help.

Of course, since I am being good at my diet,

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Quick diets and why they fail

I’m more aware of them, now that I’m trying to lose weight. The advertisements. The shill proclaiming their new product and ONLY their product will help you reach your target weight and stay there.

It’s all bullshit.

Especially the ones where they claim you -yes, you!- can drop an extravagant number of pounds/kilos in an amazingly short time.

What they never tell you is that you -yes, you!- inevitably yo-yo back up again

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I'm losing weight at last!

I started this year at 95.4kg, just a few small kilos away from 100kg. I made a resolution to lose weight and get fitter, so immediately I went out and stuffed myself for the annual new years’ rello visit.

Hubby didn’t help, either. Next night, he took me out to Sizzler’s.

Today [the 5th of Jan] is the day where I finally dipped below my starting weight. I’m now 95.2kg. You might not

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