Saturday, Parkrun and GAMES!

I have discovered the key to getting Miss Chaos moving during parkrun. Lemon Demon.

It's a band. She's a big fan.

I have a victory playlist that has The Ultimate Showdown (of Ultimate Destiny) on it and when that baseline got going we were stomping together with spirits on high.

So if I want to get Chaos happier about a long walk and getting fit, Lemon Demon is definitely the soundtrack to her motivation.

She was crying about being mega unfit, and there's only one way to help with that. Get. Fit.

We shall begin after streamy shenanigans tomorrow. Muah-hahaha.

I shall take her around the shorter circuit of our figure out and see if she's ready for the longer leg. Lemon Demon might keep her walking on the whole eight. Maybe twice.

We shall see.

Streams are back on this week, as you may have guessed. I shall be committing literature live on international bits and bytes.

Also I'll be doing a little something-something about the maps.

[Health update: Beloved is roaming around in good humour and volunteered to count tokens for this week's parkrun.

Chapter count: About to commence chapter 295.]

For today, the regular offerings shall be sufficient.