Wednesday, Wordpress, Patreon, and a Date

I forgot what I should also have been doing yesterday. Concentrating on the daily tale and the meme.

Also it rained pretty hard and I could not internet easily. On the other hand, I did complete a couple more chapters for the eventual Patreon posts.

I should be picking up my Beloved really soon now. So I'm not investing a lot of time in the usual morning BS.

[One expedition later...]

I'm counter-reviewing all the ppl who reviewed me on the Foundry. Then I pln to get on Patreon and post the stuff I missed out on yesterday because rain interferes with our internets.

AND I shall do all the other things that rain prevented, too. Like working on the dang tutorials for Stencyl.

Yoiks and away. Beginning with late Patreon and chapter recordings.