
A 4-post collection

Challenge #04217-K199: Slaked by Shadows

Here in my lake, sweet little one, you will see and remember your past lives. Whether you choose to remember them once you leave this beautiful pool, is entirely up to you. -- Anon Guest

There are portals to other planes in the world. Most common are the ways to Nanogh, the plane of magic. One can, with significant effort, find portals to every elemental plane, and a few others. The plane of torment is easier to find than the plane of boons. One has to look to find one's way into the planes of earth, air, fire, water, and light. Hardest to find is the portal to the plane of shadows.

Few want to, because the realm of shadows is also the realm of Death and the dead.

Thus, when Stavaush found this pool, it was little short of a miracle. It was perfectly round, just like each moon. It was perfectly black, day or night, and after drinking from it, Stavaush could see Shadowlings. Short and tall, wide and slender. There were at least twenty of them.

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Challenge #03839-J187: To Guard, Protect, and Defend

A family asks Wraithvine and hir companions if they would be godparents to their children. -- Anon Guest

"Not many people want a Faekindred goodparent[1]," Wraithvine said. "Many of those with origins in Nanogh are... quixotic to say the best of it."

"I know I am," said the Brauniin, popping into visibility as ze leaned over the babies in the cradle. "My blessings come out as curses, it's a whole thing. You might not want me in the equation to be

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Challenge #03717-J064: A Simple Sacrifice

Wraithvine meets an Elf who has a strange, and rather bad, haircut. They find out that this individual has been cutting their own hair, and making charm bracelets out of it, to give to any and all children they find, with a stone of blessing. What is the blessing? That the children remain healthy even if exposed to illnesses, and avoid infections even if they get injured. -- Anon Guest

The oldest of magics are very very personal. A heartfelt wish. True

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Challenge #03643-I355: A Gift in Kind

Young Salma, thanks to the money from the braids Wraithvine left in her home, was sent to school by her mom. Now, an older teen, she was about to enter an Academy for Alchemy. And, spotting Wraithvine, she went to thank hir for the kindness ze showed her family. And give a blessing in return.

From here -- -- Anon Guest

"It's hir! It's really hir! WRAITHVINE!"

The eternal Elf braced for impact. That kind of

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