Monday Morning Extended Version

Toasty has moved her stream times to Monday Morning at Fuckoff AM, my time. So I face the beginning of the week with lack of sleep as a bonus score. Fortunately, my Beloved did some of the good math and figured out I should fall asleep REAL early so I could get enough rest to face my long-arse day with at least vigor.

It's worked. I have some tinned caffeine to imbibe when I flag later on today. I have yet to feed the cats and wake Chaos so she can prepare for the day. I have half a pln to attempt to work on KOSBOB but no actual urgency for a word limit. If I get over a hundred words, today, I'm counting that as a win.

Zero pressure.

The real challenge is not allowing my medically-trained heroine to go off about the plague I'm weathering in the here and now. She has her own challenges. She is not my soapbox.

It's almost six in the morning. I need to feed the cats, wake the child, and have more caffeine.

I should also wear some clothes. That's a good plan.