Friday, Unfuckening, Parcels, and Sundry Shenanigans

I have cleaned out the catio. I have created and consumed The Bikkie. And I have learned that it's much better to cook the thing in an oven than to fry it like the guy in the tutorial did.

Baking a BREAD PRODUCT is better than frying it. WHO COULD HAVE THOUGHT!

After I'm done with the offerings, I shall go pick up a parcel. Then perhaps add some groceries on the way back.

THEN I can mess around on Satisfactory or whatever tickles my fancy.

Beloved and Adorable will be having a chat with a lot of genderqueer folks tonight. I might see if I can join online since they're doing quarantine because Lurgi.

During the following week or so, I am going through some personal experiments. There's a medication that could do me good, but it's going to take some time to find out if its working.

Further bulletins as news warrants.