A slice of normal returneth

Toasty's stream is at 1AM today instead of tomorrow, so now my weeks are no longer as interesting as they are on Mondays.

To make today interesting, I submitted a pitch to Vulpine Press as recommended by a complete stranger on the interwebs. Next month, I pitch someone else. Let's do this. One thousand rejections. Official Number One.

They say six to eight weeks, but I'm doing this on a month basis.

Come July, I am pitching again. Bravery be damned. I'm picking some rando and pitching. WWAEWGD1 and all that nonsense. I'll have a panic attack about this later on.

It's looking like I shall get started on today's Instant earlier because Toasty's winding up in advance for paying job. Wish I had one of those.

I have an hour, now, to write you something before it's time to feed the felines. I shall certainly try.

  1. What Would An Entitled White Guy Do - act like the world owed them and stay confident.