Tuesday, Patreon and PLNs

So my Beloved has had the idea of us spending more bonding time together. She's a genius, of course. Last week was getting our hair done, which was expensive. Being chronically aware of a lessening of our funds means that I was seeking things that are free as well as fun.

We need more ppl to play D&D, and that can be an expensive hobby when you get down to it. Going on nature walks requires time to get to nature in the first place. Followed by walking. Which is not Beloved's strong point right now.

So I did some searching and there's an Arts and Crafts exhibit happening relatively nearby. We're going there tomorrow. Wish us luck.

I'm kind of already looking forward to next week.

BUT first I have to get through today.

I have figured out that if I add tags to the app, after I archive the day's story, then I can avoid having to log in over again when doing that. Which means I have to be quick about archiving and publication.

Motivation. Yay.

Now all I have to do is motivate myself to clear edits in Adapting. If I do one chapter at a time, I will reach the end of the book all the sooner. And THEN I have to buck up and make myself troll it out for agents and publishers all over again.


AND I still want to delve into merch creation for incomes. BLEH.

So much to do. So little time for myself.