Thursday, Nebulous PLNs

I'm monitoring my food again. Mostly because I'm worried that I'm not eating right. Pretty certain the QPP will have my back and helpful hints as to how to improve.

Looking after myself is difficult. I have limited hours and so much to do. Getting up late and staying up later, then getting up even later.... It's a vicious cycle. Almost as bad as irrevocably waking up at fuckoff in the morning.

At least with the latter, it feels like I have more time in my days.

I've half-paid for my glasses and I have a dental appointment towards the end of the month. Lots of steep expenses in a row makes me panic about finances.

This, too, will pass.

Doesn't help my feelings during the process.

I shall get on with my offerings and the last side-project on my checklist. And hope to have some time to chill.