Thursday, Cyclone Headache and Game Nite

I awoke with a cyclone headache, which is still persisting despite the painkillers I took with my coffee. It's VTTRPG [Virtual Table Top Role Playing Game] night and the further adventures of the chaos crew are bound to contain lots more dicking around.

We spent at least half of last sesh adapting to the new Owlbear, and this is the crew that takes two hours to cross a bridge.

We have fun.

The painkillers are starting to make my head fade from the owwies. Which is great, but not yet great enough. I'm keeping myself at home just to be sure and will probably head off for cuddles and social contact on Friday.

And then there'll be parkrun and so forth on Saturday.

One day, I shall get Beloved back from the experts and it may be safer to hold her. I look forward to snuggles. I look forward to a return to normal.

Not happening now, though.