Slob Day

A 1-post collection

Saturday, Slob Day

I am taking a day off. I am not wearing proper clothes. I am not going out. I am not doing anything more strenuous than cleaning the Catio [forgot it yesterday] and making the Bikkie.

Beloved has assembled a wee cabinet for the ensuite that beats the flakk out of the former storage method of Pile On The Floor. There's bathmats and footmats everywhere and things are gradually getting less chaotic.

Though I expect some chaos in the form of rearranging the bedroom at some point.

Yep. We're doing loads to get the household orderly. Bit by bit. Day by day.

BUT today, I am also slobbing around in my Pajamjams. I plan to enjoy it immensely.

TOMORROW I go on a Leyland's Tour because Family Time and may or may not be doing D&D afterwards. Fun stuff. As long as I'm asleep by 4PM I shall be fine. Even if I only get two hours' sleep, I can manage. Barely.

Beloved will let me nap during Long Monday.

Tomorrow's story stream will be early, and I am going to sleep through the time window of Toasty's stream as well. All the better to deal with the rest of the nonsense.

Story soon. And then I slob.