Saturday, Parkrun, Game Night, and Time Zones

I'm getting up an hour earlier because daylight savings in Europe. I just got back from both parkrun and a Leyland's Tour.

I really need to hurry through my offerings so I can get a proper rest because waking up at 2 fucking AM to run a VTTRPG sesh for four hours.

I am going to be firkin useless tomorrow. Be warned.

My workload for the foreseeable future includes:

  • Working on the summary for Beauties
  • Collating the Advance Reader Copy for book 3 of A Devil's Tale
  • Reading chapters of Adapting for a nebulous future
  • Trying to unriddle how to make Stencyl bend to my whims
  • and of course the daily offerings of flash fiction and writing meme

I'll be dealing with only some of those on a daily basis. Because emotional damage.

Onwards to the offerings. And then I can rest today.