Friday, Day 0, Finances and Nonsense

Four new cases, all imports. There's a total of twenty-eight active cases, sixteen of them in hospital. Which leaves twelve in a hotel hoping for the best.

Cheevs so far today:

  • Moved the starters to new homes
  • Made the Bikkie
  • Used some leftover Mystery Condiment1 in the process
  • Forgot to add delouser spray to Chaos [whoops!]
  • Fed the cats (very important)
  • Remembered my meds (also important)
  • Wrangled payday

I've still got to unfuck the house, write my Instant, commit 1000 words to my novel, and eat my Bikkie, which is cooling on the hob. Somewhere in there I may actually have time to chill and enjoy myself at something. Miracles may happen.

In the news:

  • Melbourne and Brisbane put on alert because risk of Plague
  • Australia continues to ignore huge problems. Shocker
  • PM still mad at social media
  • Meth's being smuggled in Canola
  • Boating accident in Melbourne river causes one death
  • Japanese "black widow" caught
  • Hoarder gives away packrat house worth $1.8Million
  • Train worker sacked for being racist on TikTok
  • Calls for the return of Nostalgia Food
  • Big Woolies is selling cheap Oodies

Let's get writing.

[^1] A diced, white, pickled something that is hugely popular in Korea, and is also the unhealthiest condiment in the world because it is pickled in sugar. I know not what it is called, but I hate waste so I'm hoping the fibre in the Bikkie helps balance all the sugar in there.