Challenge #03179-H270: I Didn't Know it Was You

A young wizard meets up with an older, immortal, wizard and their companions and asks to join their encampment for the evening. The young wizard is a traveling bard with an easy smile and a gentle good humor. The young wizard looks down upon their new friends, for they are a fully grown bugbear, and smiles at the even younger bugbear that travels with the older wizard and begins to tell stories of travel and adventure, and offers to share an evening meal with the new friends. -- Anon Guest

Chanson Raddah had met some odd bands of adventurers, but this little clique had to be among the oddest he had encountered yet.

The Elven Wizard was almost stereotypical of their kind. A little staid, actually, with robes made for running in and practical pockets and pouches. Even the hat was rather plain, but fancy enough to scream WIZARD to any who encountered them. As was typical with Elves, it was next to impossible to determine a gender at first glance.

Mostly because the second glance took in a pair of Bugbears, one dandling the other on his knee. The grown one had mismatched eyes and more civilised clothing than the average Bugbear. It was the vines he casually wore that said Druid, and, be very careful. One large paw curled protectively around the child, who was focussed solely on the next spoonful of food.

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