Internutter posted a prompt like fifty years ago and I somehow stumbled upon it
Yay! Someone did the thing!

Internutter posted a prompt like fifty years ago and I somehow stumbled upon it
Yay! Someone did the thing!
The Spine on turtleseed asking why Rabbit’s making coffee…
Sudden visions of Rabbit, once again, having a fling with kitchen appliances. Flirting with the coffee machine…
At least it can’t be as bad as that time she got involved with the deep fryer.
She really got burned on that one.
Two Peters and a Wedding - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Another one for thefinespine :3
Read more »Baby!bot Rabbit finds a whole roll of ribbon. And plays with it.
Read more »Repaying Old Favours - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Whoops all ten of my fingers slipped
Read more »Boiler Boobs!
the screws are awesome!
looking good ;)
How can you be this adorable?
Read more »I swear, one of these days I’m going to show up to the zoo with a pair of pruning shears and get those stupid bushes under control.
Wow, 160 notes on my silly post about bushes? Oh right, it’s not about the bushes.
Bunny has extremely rebloggable legs.
Mmmm. Mmm. Mmm. Love those new pants.
Just gonna leave this here for everyone that hates them. Every pelvic thrust and hip gyration is me thinking of
Read more »Alright. One more. Tried to use the female Rabbit build for the outer portion of the design, not sure it worked out.
I shouldn’t stay up late… because as I created this Venice Carnival mask of Rabbit’s face (which was practically one already) I kept thinking how the Carnival there seemed less like a big fun party and more like a Comicon on LSD… It looks like the kind of party you’d invite your enemies to instead of