Internutter posted a prompt like fifty years ago and I somehow stumbled upon it
Yay! Someone did the thing!

Internutter posted a prompt like fifty years ago and I somehow stumbled upon it
Yay! Someone did the thing!
All of the robots unconsciously call out for their Pappy when suffering extreme emotional upheaval.
[And when The Spine is really hurt/in need of emotional comfort, he calls for his Ma. Bcause Momma'sBoy!TheSpine is vitally necessary in this world]
Read more »My muse has gone on vay-cay, and I need a li'l somethin-somethin’…
So. Everybody send me something fluffy that you want to see in any of my WIPs so I can maybe get close to finishing one of them.
I’m better at fanficcery when I bounce off of folks.
Thank goodness I don’t have that problem with my pro work.
Read more »Music Lessons - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Now formally up.
I am taking any and all suggestions for part 4
Read more »Nuttopia - Index
Yeah, I got tired of pestering folks for beta reads and just opened a new forum for all my unfinished unpro stuff.
It’s not the Nutboard, but it currently serves my needs.
I have four unfinished, unpro, steam powered fics up on there. Enjoy.
Read more »I need feedbacks.
I now have a half-finished babybot fic.
A SS fic with no idea of what to do next.
A random SPG crossover fic involving A Monster in Paris.
And now a SPRPG fic that’s halted at the first fight scene.
Does anyone want to read them and give me feedback?
Read more »Experiment 002 - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
I’m still working on part three. All comments concerning things you’d love to hear are appreciated.
Read more »Baby robots who haven’t grasped the concept of bedtime or bedrooms, wandering around in the wee small hours and falling asleep in cuddle-piles in random places around Walter Manor.
Read more »Baby robots trying human foods.
“Wat u doin?”
“Human thing.”
“How’s it work?”
“I dunno.”
::mess everywhere, creator shrieking, big clean-up and a lecture::
Read more »Baby robots almost passing out from horror when they see a human taking off a garment for the first time.
Person: ::removes coat/hat::
::terrified robot shrieking::
Read more »Experiment 001 - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Warning: Contains enormous amounts of cute.
Read more »Alright, which one of you was it that mentioned the bots referring to animals by the sounds they make? (Cuz it’s invaded my daily life)
All ten of my fingers slipped and I’m writing ANOTHER baby-bots series with the focus on 100% solid fluff.
Part 1 of the _When We Were New_ series is ready for beta reading.
And I still have that sad!fic lying around if you’re interested.
Is anyone interested?
Read more »First of Many - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
And finished on time. Whew.
At much cost to my poor wrists.
I shall write my daily 500 words for my novel MUCH slower, tonight. OW.
Should I offend anyone - do let me know. I am capable of learning from my mistakes.
Read more »Two Peters and a Wedding - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Another one for thefinespine :3
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