Read more »Police Killing of Unarmed Native American Continues To Receive Little Media Attention
The tragic case of Corey Kanosh, 35, has received very little media attention, in spite of the growing outrage over police shootings of unarmed, innocent citizens. In Corey’s case, we are not dealing with an African American man shot by white cops, but an unarmed Native American man who was suspected of crimes that he was later proven innocent of, who was given only seconds before police opened
Read more »I can’t draw anything emotional right now. I don’t have the words to express how much these books mean to me.
They have been a part of my life, everyday. Not a day would go by when I would not think of some part Terry Pratchett had written. Funny, smart, wise, sad, thoughtful.
I would quote his words in daily conversations. He had a way of expressing key things, important things very simply. It was perfect.
And that was
This is satisfying and adorable
恭喜發財! 新年快樂!
This is the Money Jackie, he only comes once every 5000 years. Reblog and you too will have adorable amounts of money.
There are 9 more of these. They show mistreatment of the mentally ill, protesters and other outrageous abuses of power. But there is hope for the future and for Ferguson residents.
this hit me like a bus
I’ll reblog it till my fingers bleed
Read more »hey
hey friend
dont kill yourself tonight ok
you have a really pretty smile and i know its not always easy to manage one but itd be a bummer if we never had the chance to see it ever again
youre really important and you matter a lot so stay safe and try and have a nice sleep
I would like a moment to thank the people who reblog post like this so that it eventually shows on my dash.
Writing a historical novel means knowing how far they can travel on a horse, This is good info right here.
(via Pinterest)