Gravity Drive

A 3-post collection

Challenge #04197-K179: Caveat Emptor Abundant

The ship was up for sale, cheap. I went aboard and was rather shocked it had a gravy drive, though it looked old. I spoke to a close friend of mine who is Nae'hyn to help restore it. It actually had been given a voice! Sorta. Either way, it didn't take long before we became best friends. At least my travels won't be lonely anymore. -- The New Guy

This was a rare find in more ways than one. I know. The usual caution is caveat emptor when getting cheap deals in the Edge Territories. The only warning I got on the sale was, and I quote, "The previous owner said the ship hated him. It's haunted or something."

It was cheap and salvage is a lucrative business. Flipping ships can be a worthy pursuit when it's done right.

In this case... it was a rescue mission. I don't know what happened to its former family, but the Gravy Drive was alone and... howling. Poor thing.

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Challenge #04178-K160: For the Love of Gravy

They ran a shipyard where old ships were completely refitted, rebuilt if need be, and sold at a price that allowed people to get their very first ones. The interesting area was where the gravy drives were repaired, cared for, and helped back into service so they could once again travel to the stars. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Gravy drives are very rarely abandoned. The Nae'hyn who care for them will go to extreme lengths to see them to an area of

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Challenge #03605-I316: Miraculous is as Miraculous Does

The sentient Gravity Drives consider them a miracle worker. They've even gained the respect of the Nae'hyn. They've had a lot of experience with fixing damage to the Gravity Drives, and thanks to a mild empathic ability, know how to soothe even the crankiest ones very quickly. -- Anon Guest

Gravity Drives, it might surprise many to know, are cusp-cogniscent. Their classification as such has lead to a number of rights and protections that are enforced both by the CRC and the

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