Flattening the Curve

A 1-post collection

Self Quarantine!

We're keeping Miss Chaos at home this week and next week. Beloved is staying home. I'm braving the wilds of the local shopping center to see what supplies I can acquire that we also need.

I am only sticking to what we need.

With all the best luck, we should stay plague free for the interim. I am the most at risk out of my family. Yet, I am the one taking the most risk by going out there and acquiring whatever.

This. Sucks. Balls.

ScoMo wants the schools to stay open, which is a major plague vector and a bloody stupid move. Emergency services need someone to mind their kids, but keeping schools open is not the wisest thing.

Victoria and ACT are shutting their schools down, the AFL has shut off, and everything seems to be set to "bonkers" out there. Shops prefer you to not use cash and I'll be working with that as much as I can.

This is getting scary, I do have to admit. May rational minds prevail.