Sunday, Day 0, Day of Rest?

Plague news: Two new cases, one of each. Twenty total cases, fifteen in hospital.

There's potential for another lockdown in the wind, so I'm keeping an eye out for alerts regarding the same. We have nonsense to see us safely through whatever it is, so no panic buying for us.

Today, I will indulge myself a little bit on leftover cake, continue adding stats to mobs on the boards I've made. If I'm brave, I shall go on to do Stage One edits on chapter two of Adapting.

BUT for the most part, I plan on enjoying myself more and working less.

In the news:

  • I already mentioned the lockdown hanging over our heads
  • Three little kids are in hospital in NSW thanks to Delta
  • Melbourne Antivax Knomira washes out of reality television
  • Nation with high vax count almost back to normal
  • You can buy Netflix goggles

But now... storytime.