Long Monday Again!

Tale Foundry has moved their stream to this oncoming Saturday, so I didn't have to fret about that. Yet. I still have chambering and world building and NOW I have a shared Minecraft world with my fellow players to have fun with. Which means some hours dedicated to a duplicate world in Creative Mode to work out what the hell I'm doing with the hole I found to inhabit.

Where to put the roast chicken machine, where to put the roast beef machine, where to put the farms I want, and what I'm doing for a skin on the outside.

I was thinking solarpunk tower, with an overall antigravity aesthetic to at least some pieces.

I also have an entire cavern under my base that could prove useful for the more massive constructions. Y'know. The fun stuff.

Today is low expectations, of course. Because I just spent half the night in other business. If I get anything done today, it is a bonus.

And now for the one thing I did accomplish. Today's tale.