Challenge #03400-I112: Taking Them Out

They sold the Dereggers what they CLAIMED was a disintegration weapon. Shoot it at an enemy, the enemy vanished, often screaming in fear. In fact, they sold many. Imagine the people's shocked faces when they found they "reappeared" aboard one of many pods hidden in that system's massive asteroid belts, being taken, carefully, to safety. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I decided a long time ago that my Amalgam Universe did not have teleportation devices, so this is Amalgam Adjacent. One universe over, someone cracked the code.]

The physics was next to impossible. One could not truly question how someone made such a device, let alone how they made it work. As with all questions regarding technological miracles, the wavering finger of blame pointed in the vague direction of the Nae'hyn. But that wasn't the important bit.

The important bit was that one absolute maniac of a genius figured out how to use it offensively against Deregger worlds.

"The orbital pods make it work," insisted Trader Jo. She did not show them the interior of the pods, only that they were essentially linked to the guns she was also selling to the Oligarchy of Obstinate Morality. Better known to the Alliance as Greater Deregulation Upper Southeast. "You shoot someone or something, that someone or something is no longer your concern. The only real concern is that you don't shoot anything over... six hundred of your pounds."

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