Challenge #02114-E291: Unlikely Friendship on Courier Fifty-eight

Ship's human and the Anti Gravity Drive keep company. -- Anon Guest

[AN: It's the Gravity Drive, but I get it]

This drive was one of the loners. It did not need constant Nae'hyn attention to do its work. It knew the route better than the Captain. It got family visits, of course, but Human Gar kind'a felt in kindred with it. Human Gar had took this particular mail route because it met her needs for social contact - otherwise known as minimal - but there were some times when she just needed to talk, and none of the Kirrikto crew were interested in the weirdo stuff that Gar was.

"Hey," she said to the ships' gravy drive, working her way over via the toe grips. "I need to talk, do you wanna listen?"

No Gravy Drive had a voice. They made themselves known by the hums of their operation, the beeps of certain alerts, or other noises that only Humans could interpret. This one hummed a pleased note, so Gar grip-walked further in. She lit an incense stick because that was what she'd seen the visiting Nae'hyn do, and set it into one of the holders where she felt it was needed. "It's not like I even have much to talk about, you know? I just... I have a mighty need to just flap my tongue for a while. The Kirrikto don't understand it. They call it 'contrary'. They hired me because I'm quiet, and when I wanna yap on, I'm not fulfilling my contract."

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