9 Days Remain

The system remains down for the third day in a row and I am fretting.

I'm going to take my show on the road and find a cafe somewhere with free parking and free wifi. That should see me okay on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, when I'm not expecting people over.

I hope that this is all fixed by Monday, which would be a blessing. For all of us, belike.

My PLN's to dive into finishing a fanfic or two have been foiled by a brand new plot kitten inspired by this excellent video and I'm rolling in the torture and angst of it all.

That's for when I'm taking a break between stages of working on the Kitty Kondo. I think we're close to racking up $1K on this thing, but it's still cheaper than the $3K model I was dribbling over.

I'm willing to put my muscle where my mouth is and make certain this cat is safe from the wicked world, and also make certain she can't get at any little critters that need to be safe from her.

Fortunes willing, I should be learning how to use some power tools, today. Assuming Beloved can get the correct bolts for the saw stand. This is very much "for want of a nail" kind of nonsense.

Since it's still before dawn, though, I should get the fiction out of the way so that I can work with the facts.