
A 32-post collection

Chunk Relief

Doing a saline dose on Max genuinely helps clear the blockages. So does staying hydrated in any form.

I've been adding atrovent into my nebuliser so far, but the next dose I do will be all saline. See how it goes.

What does seem alarming is the size of the initial chunks. On the brighter side, I'm getting rid of the blockages. And the colour is heartening.

I still believe I can shake this infection.

Today or tomorrow, I will definitely do the Patreon thing. Yesterday necessitated a shopping trip that sapped my energy. And I derped and plumb forgot. Sorry.

Beloved is spending long nights at work again. And they got themself so chilled that my usually chilly arse had to warm them up. Which lead to the interesting factlet that Beloved has never seen Moonwalker. Which I have actually summarised as "Two hours of What The Fuck Did I Just Watch."

Apparently the game based on it is exactly the same thing. I wanna play it now.

No money to get it. No time to enjoy it. Sigh.

I have to give myself more time off.

Lo Batt Shenanigans

I was at Lo Batt, yesterday. A fraction of my general energy. And most of that is due to mucous.

Funny how having goop in your tubes causes you to not breathe properly.

But despite the Lo Batt status, I still managed to do all the firkin washing up and get a dinner on. I didn't have the energies to go shopping for supplies.

Knowing this, I messaged my lifemate. The love of my lifetime. Co-parental to our children. My Best-Beloved. To

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Busy and cold

I am in the process of kicking off this lurgi. For those interested in my chunks, they are slowly, gradually, getting smaller, paler, and less frequent. Yay, I guess.

Last night's sleep was spotty at best, and frequently interrupted by chunks. The good news out of that was I managed to get a piece for my Wordpress.

I got the whole cleaning day thing, and the usual writing to do. And figuring out something in the order of dinner.

I'm thinking -

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I slept through most of yesterday and I feel a lot better about my place in this torture session called life.

I'm still coughing up chunks, but it's looking... good. For limited definitions of 'good'. In terms of chunk horking, there's less chunks, smaller chunks, and the colours of said chunks are giving me hope.

GROSSNESS WARNING: Colour chart for phlegm

  • Clear/transparent/white - nothing is living in your bodily fluids, you're good. For limited definitions of 'good' because you're still
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The lurgi's got me good. This morning's highlights included me exuding mucous.


Coughing up lumps.

Such fun.

I have a small hope that hydration and rest will shake this off, but... If it's still clinging around, I'm going to have to get myself on antibiotics.

Not my funnest eventuality.

And when I'm done with today's story, I shall likely attempt to sleep this thing off.




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This bug... clings.

I just can't shake it like I'm used to doing. And Sneezin' and Wheezin' season is not helping.

I have three sticks of cinnamon. I can plausibly make cinnamon/ginger/citrus tea. Lord knows the Shamdy didn't help as much as it should have. But getting a good ginger garlic chicken soup going is going to have to wait until I have more money.


I just want to sleep. But I owe y'all a fresh story and a

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Now Firkin What?

Mayhem has caught the local bug, and the soonest doctor's appointment is tomorrow.

Adding to that fun is a Cleaner's Day. On the other hand, I don't have to do a brat run so I have an extra hour to do the writing stuff.

This weekend promises to be packed as both grandparentals want visiting and at least one of those visits is tech support. I might have to take Capt S. up on her offer for me to go visit MeMum

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Tea fixes everything

I've been bingeing on the herbal teas since I got crook. The addition of a little ginger to the pot has helped immensely. And also drinking an undertow-mug's worth1 of tea at a time helps. And it helps for a surprising length of time.

The cleaners didn't arrive yesterday. I can hope that they'll come today, but because Easter, everything's up to debate. Giving the kids a ten-minute clean-up task definitely helps. Especially since it's their gateway to having access to

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Lurgi confirmed. I am falling down with a thing.


I have Elderflower tea and a whole bunch of other teas, so I should have no trouble staying hydrated. I'm going to try and take it easy, but the day is a wee bit crowded.

I've just had a bunch of plumbers come in and give a quote on the sink fix. Later on today, I have the cleaners to help restore the house to some small form of order.

Hopefully, I

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Owwie, owwie, owwie

Yesterday, the blockage in my sinuses decided to stab me through the left cheekbone. Thereby giving me the worst sinus pain I have had in my life. It hurt to move. It certainly hurt to change elevations. In fact, all I wanted to do with my day was lie in bed and sleep it off.

The Keto sites recommended that, since this bug had bit me during Keto Flu, I actually raise my carb intake a smidgen. The explanation? My body, being

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It's Lurgi

It seems like everything hit me at once, and my semi-annual lung trouble decided that this was a fine time to team up with Keto Flu and whatever was going around and make beautiful mucous together.

Translated: I have a bacterial infection in my bronchii.

So I've made an appointment to see a doctor today about getting some antibiotics to make that fuck off. Meanwhile, Beloved and I are making plans to get all the calories we need because our current stomach

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It's one of my fave acronyms when things go agley to the point of explosive frustration. And this morning has definitely been GFDI material.

I discovered this morning that the love of my life had not acquired their 'Flu shot this year. And apparently the fact that the entire family caught a virus was enough to convince them that this year's 'Flu shots are a crock of crap.

Which meant that I had to spend some time quietly explaining the science behind

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My head hurts. It's a struggle to breathe. I basically spent most of yesterday having naps and I was still tired enough to sleep through the night.

I have thorough plans to be as lazy as I can so I can save my spoons for the rest of the day.

And I will be sticking myself on Max for a saline run that should help loosen any glunk that's impeding my air.

Just... not now. I have to raise my batteries a

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I hate being sick.

My head feels like a swamp has moved in. I feel like I can't breathe, but my nails tell me I'm getting plenty of air. I can't get comfy. My back hurts from lying down. It hurts when I'm sitting up. I want to hibernate the lurgi away, but I can't get to sleep because everything hurts.

How soon before I can transfer my thought patterns to a machine?

I'm'a try a nap. Story much, much later.

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Lazy day, but with errands

I'm taking it easy, but I need to go out and fetch a few things because Mayhem's lurgi is going around and has hit me upside the head with a sinus full of mucous.


Seems to always be the way. I'm within grasping distance of accomplishing neatness, I go down in a heap and suffer. Despite my best efforts to do otherwise.

But in the middle of wanting to burrow into my Pillow Fort of Solitude(tm)... I came up with

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