
A 8-post collection

Well that happened

Yesterday, all I had in the morning was a smoothie. And then I had a painful gutsache that had me out for the count for the majority of the day.

I think something I put in my smoothies is doing me a bad.

It could well be the frozen fruit. That stuff is... a bit on the awful side, but I thought it wouldn't matter because frozen. It's been in my freezer, thawing and refreezing, for the better part of a year. Probably an actual year. And my stingy arse won't throw anything away that I deem as "still good".

I've had fresh fruit smoothies and not had the quirbles as bad. And I know almond milk hasn't done a thing to me in the past. Or I think it doesn't...

Paranoia is such fun.

I'll experiment later. For all I know, my super-sensitive innards are hyper aware of a slight particle decay in one of my ingredients and will kick up at the slightest provocation. I may have detected a single molecule of arsenic caused by one almond in a million being that little tinge more bitter than any of the others. I might have detected a single spore or a corrupted cell of frozen and refrozen fruit from my otherwise delicious smoothie.

I don't know.

BUT - I literally can't afford to do that again until after the yule party, so no more smoothies for me. Besides, we're currently out of cream.

I'll stick with coffee or Keto Sports.


Lots to do.

I have a Chaos to take up north to see her shrink. I have to take the window replacement back to the dude who made it because he cut it too short. Which means that today is an enormous Leyland's Tour for me. Which means I should put dinner on now or I won't have the energy to do anything by tonight.

But I also have to take the dubiously reliable Elderberry capsules. I haven't been that fantastic at

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Lurgi confirmed. I am falling down with a thing.


I have Elderflower tea and a whole bunch of other teas, so I should have no trouble staying hydrated. I'm going to try and take it easy, but the day is a wee bit crowded.

I've just had a bunch of plumbers come in and give a quote on the sink fix. Later on today, I have the cleaners to help restore the house to some small form of order.

Hopefully, I

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Good News, Bad News

Good news: Beloved is on the mend.

Bad news: It took seven hours in hospital and three litres of saline drip to restore their health. And to add insult to injury, they couldn't figure out what was wrong with them.

Good news: I have my appetite back.

Bad news: I'm still tired as all get-out.

Beloved's had plenty of time to read up on random stuff, and it might actually be the magnesium compounds I've been taking because magnesium is good for

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Downward Spiral

I'm going down with whatever persistent thing this is. I can feel it. My batteries are low, my tasks are large, and I do not anticipate respite at any time soon.

And when I do get it, nobody else will be there to make sure I don't need medical intervention. Thanks, family. I understand you have places you need to be and all, but I'd like someone to decide that isn't very important compared to the health of this particular loved one.

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robotramshackle: davidmichaelbennett: ohpierre: davidmichaelbennett: Makeup done. Did the majority of it while laying on the floor in...





Makeup done.
Did the majority of it while laying on the floor in pain. It’s not too terrible for holding a mirror above my head. The 10 foot rule right? Now let’s see how long I can stand before having to lay down again.

omg one of your eyebrows is eskew?

But duuuude if you have the cancel the show dude, do it, no one wants to see you flop over on stage. We would understand.

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tearsinmybubbletea: hheatherr: okcgoldmine: via legallybored. cognitive dissonance at its finest Can u notForever oh my god I dunno...




via legallybored. cognitive dissonance at its finest

Can u not

oh my god

I dunno about anyone else, but I read all this as him saying, “I like to fuck virgins cause I know I’m a bag of wet shit in the sack.”

Oh, and he’s willing to say/do anything to get that virgin poon.



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