We're ba-ack!

Yes, my dear darling readers, this site is back up and running.

And, until I can catch up on the gap, I plan to be posting two links to stories you may have missed if this was your only window to my activities on the interwebs.

Hint for the future: Pull down the menu over there on the top right, and go bookmark each and every one of those links except the Iris&Peter one. That's staying on this site. If you want that for yourself, you're going to have to figure out how to bootleg it on your own.

...not that I'm encouraging anything like that per se. But if this website goes down on a permanent basis, then you'd be SOOL when it comes to my one exclusive content thing. I mean. Besides the diary entries that I'm sure only 3 people read.

Get in the comments and gimmie a holla if I'm wrong. Or if you think I'm right. Whatever. I just want to see how actual many people read this noise.

And now I need to remember how to open up a thing for comments.

In other news, I spent a majority of yesterday just... sleeping. So of course my sleep schedule is messed to heck and today's the day that I'm permanently tired off of my arse.

Also - the NBN is finally coming to our neighbourhood. We should have it by the end of April, according to them. On one hand, I'm stoked. On the other hand, I know how public works go and we probably won't see a single fragment of operation until April, 2020. That's when they'll start.

Then we can pick the best Broadband service provider and just wait until our glorious nation decides that people need to pay for net neutrality.

And now it's bus time.