
A 1-post collection

Challenge #03992-J340: Permission Sought

Un galáctico pregunta a Jay y Lilicoon si pueden pintar un retrato de los dos. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Translation care of the Duck of Wisdom - A galactic asks Jay and Lilicoon if they can paint a portrait of the two.]

"Uh... how do I explain this?" Jay nervously reached to touch his braces. "My time is... uhm. Strictly regimented."

"Oh, yes of course. I'm more requesting permission to use your images for a painting," the artist, her Information Browns spattered with flecks of paint. "I'd like to stage and take a few images and then use them as inspiration for a painted image. Might I note, a publicly acceptable image. I'll keep you updated on my concepts."

"That's a very specific set of clarifications," noted Lilicoon. "It sounds worrying."

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