I’m taking my time with the sewer level.
It’s almost a month later, and I’m still working on this thing. As I write this [24 Mar] I am STILL stuffing dispensers with brownish objects and occasional representative junk.
And by “representative junk”, I mean: leather for dead animals, raw fish for fish, empty bottles, string, lilly pads, grass, iron fences, gravel, slime balls and pieces of paper. Because it’s not just poo and wee that winds up in our drains, ya know.
Oh, and the odd stack of silverfish eggs ‘cause I want this sewer to be overrun with “rats”.
In the process of building this thing, I up and decided to add some interesting titbits about sewers and sanitation into the entire labyrinth. I now know more about such things than a mere mortal really should.
Except for one thing. As an Aussie, I felt I had to add a bit of trivia concerning sanitation in our fair country. As an internet dweller, I could not find one crumb of such info. I asked MeMum [Hi!] who is old enough to remember life before television(ghasp), and also recalls a few things about when sewers actually came in.
I picked on Sydney because it’s the one city in Australia everyone knows about. That also doesn’t possess an identically-named city somewhere else in the world. I know from movies that “night soil carts” [look it up] were employed in Sydney and other Australian cities as late as the 1960’s, and my fellow Brisbanites were joking about sewering certain suburbs in the '70’s.
The closest she could guess [in between repeated enquiries as to whether I’d looked EVERYWHERE - and Yes, I have.] was the 1970’s.
Does anyone similarly fecaly fascinated have a firmer date[Full credit is all I can offer, alas]?
Ground floor, finished.

Player sets off the machinery here.

The lantern was taken down, later

Why it's lit with jack-o-lanterns

OSHA would not approve ;)

Everything finishes up here.

Second floor in progress.

Dispensers are hooked up to a clock.

Third floor in progress.

Adding dispensers.