For today, we diet

The hardest thing about going back onto a diet is the diet-buster leftovers. Sitting there. Being tempting with all their sugary goodness. Or badness. Depending on your point of view.

I'm planning to fast for a little while. Good old salty broth should set me right over a few days.

The hardest part is going to be staying away from those temptations until next weekend.

Today, all going well, there should be another progress video for the cover art up on my Patreon. It looks so much nicer with 'ink' and I hope it looks super nice with 'paint'. We'll see how far I get this morning.

On the fanfic side of the fence, I'm having immense fun with the whole 'doomed love' storyline I picked for my first ever TAZ fic. I might break hearts. I might cause more laughter than My Immortal. I don't know.

All that matters is that I love writing it. If people love reading it, that's a bonus.

Or if they swear at me for having read it, that's a bonus too. There's a certain amount of unholy glee in hurting people in the heart from miles away and years ago.

Writers are weird people.