Challenge #04418-L034: The Necessity of Wandering

The family asks Wraithvine to be the god-parental to the quadruplets, and they visit from time to time to help teach magic, and just to enjoy the company of family. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Had to make a correction in the prompt over a minor detail]

"A goodparent," Wraithvine repeated. "I am a wandering thorn in various evils' sides. We've done what we can to protect them while they're vulnerable, but... there's reasons why I wander. I mean, besides looking for trouble before it troubles anyone else." Ze couldn't help but to rock the cradle a little.

It was tempting, sorely tempting, to remain and settle down. Just for a little while.

To hold children in hir arms again. To be involved in raising them. To watch them grow and teach them everything ze could. Ah, but there were always forces looking to defeat a chronic do-gooder like Wraithvine, and their efforts always... splashed. Ze couldn't bear to have these innocent people harmed just because ze wanted to hang around.

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